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Handaxwod, quhilk extendis zerelie to fourety schillingis of maile, sa langtyme as
the said Jane broukis the saidis landis of Handaxwod ; herfore, we bind and
oblis, faithfully as said is, oure airis, successouris and assignais, to content and pay
zerelie to the saidis schir Patrik Hvme, Helene his spous, the langare livare of
thame twa, thare airis or assignais, the said fourty schillingis for the maile of the
saidis landis of Handaxwod, with thare pertinentis, at twa vsuale termes in the
zexe, Witsonday and Martirnes in winter, be evinly portionis, ay and quhile the
said landis be lousit, be vertu and tennour of the said reuersioun, for sa langtime
as the said Jane broukis the said landis ; and failzeand of the said pament of the
said fourty schillingis zerelie for the maile of the said landis of Handaxwod, in-
durand the tyme forsaid, as God forbeid, we do thane as now, and now as thane,
we bind and oblis ws faithfully, as said is, oure airis, successouris and assignais, to
content and pay apone a day, to the saidis schir Patrik, Helene his spous, thare
airis or assignais, the said fourty schillingis of maile zerely, for sa mony zeris
and termes as we failze in the pament abone writtin, induring al the tyme that
the said Jane sal brouke the said landis of Handaxwod, into the College kirk of
Sanct Geile of Edinburght, apone Sanct James altare, with the said soume of ane
thousand markis, specifiit and contenit in the said reuersioun, apone the day of the
lousing, redemyng and out chitting of the saidis landis, haile and togidder in ane
soume, but fraude or gile ; and at the saidis Patrik, Helene his spous, thare airis
nor assignais sal nocht be haldin to ansuere to the said reuersioun, without that
the said fourty schillingis of maile zerlie be pait induring all the tyme forsaid,
alswele as the principale soume of a thousand markis, specifiit and contenit in
the said reuersioun, in forme and effect forsaid, ande herto we bynd and oblis ws
faithfully, as said is, oure airis, successouris and assignais, ouris and thairis landis,
rentis, possessionis and gudis, movabile and vnmofabile, present and for tocum, to
the saidis schir Patrik Hume, Helene his spous, the langare livare of thame twa,
thare airis and assignais, in the maist sikkir forme and stratast stile of obligatioun
that can be maid or diuisit, and na remeid of law, canon nor ciuile, actis nor
statutis of parliamentis nor generate counsalis, maid nor to be maid, for to be
proponit nor allegit in the contrar. In witnes of the quhilk thing, to thir present
lettrez, subscriuit with oure hand, oure sele is to hungin, at Douglas, the xiiij day
of Decembere, the zere of God a thousand and five hundredth zeris, before thir
witnes, Petir of Carmichel, Maister Cuthbert Bailze, persone of Sanchare, and
schir Thomas Boid, chaplane and notare public, witht vtheris diueris.
A. Eel of Angus.

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