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(344) Page 174 -
day to mak or tak reddres, salbe vnattachit, arrestit or accusit that tyme for
ony vther actionis or crimes ; and that the Lord Dacre or his deputis, and per-
sonis, Inglishmen, eumand with him or thaim to the samyn diete, salbe assoverit in
thair cuming, remaning and agane passing : And in the mean tyme gif ony at-
temptatis beis done be ony personis [within the saidis boundis], that the saidis
partis sail ansuer thairfoir at the said day, and the last attemptate to be first
reddressit, according to the treux ; and that the billis on the behalue of the
Maister of Angus be deliuerit to Thomas Livok, or at his hous ; and the billis on
the Lord Dacreis behalue to be deliuerit to Johne of Irwin Dauidson, or att his
hous, vi dais befor the said day of meting. Subscriptum per me, Walterum
Drummond, decanum Dnmblanensem, clericum rotulorum et registri ac consilii
supremi Domini nostri Regis, sub nieis signo et subscriptione manualibus,
155. Obligation by Archibald, fifth Earl of Angus, to Sir Patrick
Hume of Polwarth. 14th December 1500.
Be it kend till all men be thire present lettres, ws, Archibald Erie of Anguss and
Lord Douglase, etc., to be bundin and oblist, and, be the faitht and treuth in oure
body and thire oure present lettrez, lelely and treulie bindis and oblisis ws, til ane
honorabile man, Patrik Hume of Polworth, knicht, and to Helene Schaw, his spous,
the langare livare of thame twa, thare airis and assignais, that forsamekile as we
haue sauld and anailiit heretabillie, be charter and seising, to the saidis Patrik
Hume, Helene his spous, thare airis and assignais, all and haile oure landis of
Trottanschaw, Byrcleuch and Handaxwod, with thare pertinentis, Hand in the
forest of Dy, in the barony of Boithuile, be annexatioun of oure souerane Lord
the King maid tharuppoun, and within the schirefdome of Berwik, like as at
mare lenth is contenit in oure charter maid and gevin to thame thareuppoun ; and
apone the lousing, redemyng and outquitting of the said landis with the pertin-
entis, the saidis Patrik ande Helene has gevin to ws thare lettre of reuersioun in
competent dew forme, vndir thare selis, contenand in it the sovme of ane thou-
sand markis, gold and siluer, vsuale money of Scotland, like as the said reuersioun
proportis ; and becaus Jane Kennedy, dochtir to Johnue Lord Kennedy, ciamys
the saidis landis of Handaxwod of ws in liferent for al the dais of hir live,
throuch the quhilk the saidis Schir Patrik, nor Helene his spous, thare airis nor
assignais, may haue na mailis, proffiteis nor dewteis of the saidis landis of

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