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and frendis, in all thar actiounis and querelis, leffull and honest, and principaly in
all somis that he has recouerit and has to reeouer befor our souerane lord the kyiig
or his consall, and to caus hym to haff justis in als far as he may, but fraud or
gill : and at all thir condicionis and poyntmentis abone writyne be lelely and
treuly obserwyt and kepyt, ather parteis ar bodely sworne, the Haly Wangell
thuichit ; and to the part of [this] endentour to remane witht the said Archbald erll
of Angus and chansler and Jonot of Douglas, his dochtir, the said Andro has set to
his sell, and to the part remanand witht the said Andro Heris, the said Archbald,
lord chansler, has set to his sell, and the said Jonot of Douglas, becaus scho had
na sell propir of hyr awne, scho has procuryt witht instance the sell of Jhone of
Symontone of that Ilk, to be toput to thir present, haffand the fek and fors of hyr
awne propir sell, day, zer and plas abone writyn, togidder witht subscriptione of
thar handis, befor thir witnes, Thomas Makclelan of Bonbe, Johne of Symontone
of that Ilk, Vilzam Makclelan, Georgis Ynglis, and schir Jhone Dikison, notar.
And. Heris off the Traggellis, etc.
141. Ketour of Archibald, fifth Earl of Angus, as heir to George,
fourth Earl, in the lordship of Eskdale. 19th January 1495.
Hec inquisicio capta fuit apud Drumfreis, decimo nono die mensis Januarii, anno
Domini millesimo quadringentesimo nonagesimo quinto coram nobili domino,
Roberto domino Creichtoun de Sanquhare, ac vicecomite de Drumfreis, et per istos
subscriptos ; videlicet, dominum Willelmum Carlill, militem, Adam John[es]toun
de eodem, Johannem Murray de Cokpule, Johannem Jarding de Apilgirth,
Symonem Carutheris de Mouss[al]d, Johannem Carutheris de Holmendis, Edwer-
dum Maxwell de Tynwald, Edwerdum Creichtoun de Kirkpatrik, Robertum
Creichtoun, filium et heredem apparentem dicti Edwerdi, Henricum Kirkpatrik de
Knok, Rogerum Kirkpatrik eius filium et heredem apparentem, Thorn am Mak-
lellane de Bondby, Willelmum Dalzell de eodem, Johannem Menzeis de Dalvene,
Vthredum Edzare de Inglistoun, Robertum Wauch de Schawis, Johannem Fergus-
soun de Cragderroch, Robertum Graham de Thornhuke, et Philippum Cunyng-
hame de Kirkschaw : Qui iurati dicunt quod quondam Georgius comes Angusie,
dominus Douglas, pater Archibaldi comitis Angusie ac domini Douglas, cancellarii
Scocie, latoris presencium, obiit vltimo vestitus et sasitus vt de feodo ad pacem et
fidem supremi domini nostri regis, de toto et integro dominio de Eskdale, cum
superioritate ac tenentibus et tenandriis eiusdem, cum pertinenciis, iacente infra

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