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Hwtone, Awandall, Moffatdall, Kyrkcanderis, fee of Ewll, Bernwell, Symontoune,
the xx t! merkis of the annuall of Skeoch, togidder witht the donacione of the
kyrkis of the sammyn, witht wardis, releiuis and mariagis, gyff thai hapyn, witht
thar pertinentis, the said resignacione beand maid, as said, the said Andro
Heris beande thai', or his lachfull attorna, the said lord chansler sail cans our
souerane lord the kynge to gyff agane the said landis, be charter and sesyng, to
the said Andro Heris and Jonot of Douglas, and to the barnis to be gottyn
betuix tham ; and falzeand of the barnis to be gottyn betuix tham, the
said landis to retorne agan to the said Andro and till his airis ; and this
forsaid resignacione nocht to be maid quhill the said Andro be present or
his lachfull attorna to rasaf agan the saidis landis, the said lord chansler to
mak the expens for the said resignacione ; and attour the said lorde chansler
is bundyn to do his deligens and besenes that he ma, but fraud or gill, at the
kyngis hand, gif it hapynnis, as God forbed it do, the said Andro Heris and
Jonot of Douglas to haff na barnis gottyn betuix tham, to the said Androis airis
mail ; and falzeand of his airis maill, the said landis to retorne to Mungo Heris,
brodir to the said Andro Heris and his airis mall ; and falzeand of the said Mungo
Heris and his airis mall, to retorne to Jhone Heris, his brodir, and his aris mall ;
and falzeand of the said Jhone Heris and his aris mall, to retorne to Eoger Heris,
his brodir, and his aris maill ; and, attour, the said Jonot of Douglas is bundyn and
oblist that scho sail nocht tak nan other husbande endurand the liff tyme of the
said Andro, bot attend and obey till hym, as he war hyr lachfull husband in all
thingis, ande the said Andro is bundyn and oblist that he sail do all his besenes
and deligens, and frendis at will do for hym, for the diuorse to be maid betuix
hym and Beatrix Heris hys wif, and furthir thairto in all possabill hast he ma,
but fraude or gill ; and the diuorse beand maid, than, in all gudly hast, the said
Andro sail mary and to wyf haff, God willande, the said Jonot of Douglas to his
lachfull wif; and atour, the said resignacioune beand maid in the Kyngis hand
be the said Andro or his procuratouris, and the landis nocht to be gyffwyn agan to
the said Andro, as said is, it sail be leffull to the said Andro Heris to rewok and
adnull the sad power of resignacione that he has mad of befor, and to be of nan
awall, strenth, nor effek, and ony thing done be the strenth of the said power or
be the personis coutenit in it to turne the said Andro Heris, nor his airis, to na
preiudice anent his heretagis of the said landis contenit in the said power, nocht-
withtstandyng the said power beand maid wnreuocabill ; and atour, the said lord
chansler is bundyn to supplee, mantein, and help Johne lord Carlyll, his barnis

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