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pontificatus in Christo sanctissimi patris ac domini nostri, domini Alexandri,
diuina prouidentia pape sexti, anno secundo, in mei notarij publici et testium
subscriptorum presentia personaliter constitutes nobilis ac potens dominus, Willel-
mus comes Marcliell ac vicecomes de Kyncardyne, quasdam literas supremi domini
nostri regis sub signeto in manibus suis tenens, milii notario publico subscripto
tradidit perlegendas, cuius tenor in wlgarj sequitur et est talis : James, be the
grace of God Kyng of Scottis, til our schiref of Kyncardyn and his deputis,
gretyng : Forsamekil as it is, be the lordis audituris of causis and complantis,
chosyn be the thre estatis in our parliament, decretitit and delyuerit, that Johne
Achinlek of that Ilk, knycht, sal content and pay to our traist cosyne and chanslar,
Archibald erl of Angus, the sowm of v c li. vsual monae of our realme, for the half
of the malis of the landis of Glenberwe, Barras and Kenna, witht the pertinentis,
takyn wp and withhaldyn be the said Johne, be the space of v zeris bypassit, sen
the deces of wmquhyl Gelis Achinlek, spous to wmquhyl James Achinlek, portionar
lade of the saidis landis, as was sufficiently prewit befor the saidis lordis : ande
als, that the said Johne dois wrang in the intromettyng, wuptakyng, and witht-
haldyng of the saidis half of the forsaidis landis, witht the pertinentis, and
thairfor that he sal dissist and ces thairfra, to be brukit and josit and takyn wp be
our said chanslar for al the tym of the ward of the sammyn, and quhil the entre of
the lauchfull air thairto, eftir the form of our lettres of gyft maid to hym thair-
uppon, schawin and producit befor the saidis lordis, lik as thair decreet thairuppon
proportis : Our wil is herfor, and ve charge zou straitly, and commandis, that ze,
incontynent, thir our lettres seyn, pas, compel and distrenze the said Johne his
landis, and mak penny of his rediast gudis ; and, failzeand of his movabil gudis,
that ze pris his landis eftir the form of our actis of parliament to the avail of the
said sowm of v c li., and mak our said chanslar be fullely content and pait thairof,
but delay, eftir the form of the said decret, reseruand the secund tend thairof to a
reuerend fathir in God, William, bischop of Abyrden, and mak hym to be pait
thairof ; and als that ze, in our naime and autorite, command and charge the said
John to decist and ces fra al intromettyng of the said half of the saidis landis, and
takyng vp of ony malis or profitis thairof, and to be brukit and takyn vp be the
said chanslar for al the termis abowin expremyt, and efter the form of our lettres
of gyft forsaid, wnder al the hyest payn and charge that efter may folow ; and this
ze do as ze wil ansuer to ws heruppon, and wnder the panis contenit in our actis
of parliament, delyueryng thir our lettres be zou, deuly execut and indorsit again
to the berar. Gewin wnder our signet at Edinbrugh, the xx clay of Jun, and of

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