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that may mak clame til the saide gudis be titule of lawe : In the witnes of the
quhilke thing till this our present obligacioun we hafe gert sett our sele, at Angeris,
in the presens off worschipfull men maistir Jone Gray, archidiacone of Galowaj^,
Williame Bell, and Adam of Dalgles, our squyeris, the tend day off Decembir the
yheir of our Lorde a thouzand four hundr twenti and ane.
63. Attestation by Archibald Earl of Wigton and of Longaville to
the granting of certain Loans by Henry Doug
William Douglas of Lochleven. 1st May 1424
the granting of certain Loans by Henry Douglas of Logton to Sir
Archibald, Erll of Wigton and off Longavill, lorde off Esdale, and wardane off
the Middill and West Marchis off Scotland foirnent Ingland, till all aud syndry
thir lettrez to her or se, gretyng : For quhy that it is meritabill and medefull to
ber lele witnes to suthfastnes, and namly, quhar the conselyng off lawte may gener
preiudice to the innocent, to yhour vniuersite we notify and makis knawyn, be
thir our present lettrez, that our cosyng, Henry off Douglas off Logton, gert len,
be his attournays and assyngnais, that is to say, sir Thomas off Kirkpatrik, Dauy
of Hammyltoun, and Law Thomson, thai haffand tharto full powar, till quhilum
his deraste brothir, schir Wilyhame off Douglas off Lochlevyn, in the erde off
France, and in his grete mistar, certane sowmys off monay, that is to say, in the
tovn off Mans, four hvndir francis ; that tym thre franx made the nobill : alsua
in Touris in Turane, be schir Thomas off Kirkpatrik and Law Thomson, sex
hundir franx ; and that tym sex franx made the nobill : and eftir, in the said
tovn off Touris, be the said schir Thomas and Law, auch hundir franx ; and that
tym tene franx made the nobill : For the quhilk sovmys lelely and trewly to be
paid, the forsaid schir Wilyhame was oblist be the trewth off his body, withoutyn
fraude or gill, to the said Henry • and for the mare surete, he oblist hym, his airis,
executuris, and assyngnez, and all his landis on south half the Scottis see for to be
strenyheit and pvndit, at the will off the said Henry, or off his airis, quhill the
forsaid Henry or his airis be assithit off costis and skathis, trubal and interess,
giff he or thai any sustene in defaut off the forsaid payment or part as off the
principale sowmys : And this we saw, and war callit as witnes be the said schir
Thomas off Kirkpatrik ; the quhilk, till all that it afferis, we notify and makis
knawyn till all that it afferis be thir present lettrez : In witnes of the quhilk
thyng, to thir our lettrez off witnessyng we haff gert hyng our sele, at Edynburgh, the
first day off the moneth off May, the zer off our Lorde M. Hll c twenty and four zeris.

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