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tione et pontificatu quibus supra ; presentibus, discretis viris dominis Eicardo de
Langlandis, magistro liospitalis Sancti Germani, Jolianne de Tulouse vicario de
Strachechty, Jolianne Tempilman, Johanne Lam, Dauid de Melros, presbyteris,
Dauid de Guthry, et Jolianne Skrymgeour notario publico, burgensibus de Dunde,
cum multis aliis testibus ad premissa vocatis pariter et rogatis.
Et ego Johannes Idill, clericus Sancti Andree diocesis, publicus auctoritate
imperial! notarius, predictam cartam originaliter vidi, tenui et perlegi, et
hie fideliter transcripsi, factaque examinacione de presenti transcripto cum
originali, quia- earn in omnibus concordare inueni, ideo huic presenti instru-
ment©, manu propria supra et subtus scripto, signum meum solitum et
consuetum apposui, rogatus et requisitus in testimonium veritatis.
G2. Obligation by Archibald of Dowglas, Earl of Wigton, to the Execu-
tors of Sir William of Dowglas, Lord of Logton. 1 Oth December
1421. [From the Transumpt, No. 72, infra.]
Be it kennit till all men be thir present lettiris, that we Archebalde of Dowglas,
eirle of Wygtoun, lorde of Eskdale and Lawedirdale, has takin forsabily fra
maistir Williame of Glendonwyne, maistir Jone of Castilcarris, and Adanie of
Dalgles, executouris of a worschipfull knycht, sir Williame of Dowglas, vmquhyle
lorde of Logtoun, out of the hous of the saide maistir Williame, and out of his
kyst, agayne the will of the saide executouris, the gudis of the saide sumtyme sir
Williame that heir eftir ar writtin : and first, twelfe pecys of syluyr, merkit with
the ponnsoun of Paryse, weyand four and twenty merkis : Item, a basyne and a
lawer of siluer, gylt about the borde, and with the arrays of the said sir Williame
on bath, weyand bath nyne niarkis three vncis and ane halfe vnce : Item, twelfe
spunys of siluer, gylt on the endis, weyand a mark and ane halfe : Item, twa crowetis
of syluyr, gylt about the borde, weyand a niarke and ane halfe vnce : Item, twa
saltfattis of syluer, and gylt about the borde, weyand fyve vncis and ane halfe :
Item, a dowblet of rede sattyne cramesyne, new, with anneletis of siluer and gylte :
Item, ane aide clath sek, withoutyn bras or barhyd : The quhilke gudes we
obligis vs in gude faithe till restore till the airis of the saide qukilum sir Williame,
ordanyt and made in his testament, or ellis till content thaim of the pryce or the
valoure thareof : we oblys vs als, as is of beforwrittin, till kepe the saide maistyr
"W illiame and all the vthir executouris harmlas anens the saide ayris, and al vthir

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