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34. Confirmation by King Robert the Second of a Charter by Gilbert
of Vmfrauyll, Earl of Angus, No. 6, supra. Confirmation dated
13th July [1379].
Robertus Dei gracia Rex Scottorum, omnibus probis hominibus tocius terre sue,
clericis et laicis, salutem : Sciatis nos cartarn quondam Gilberti de Vmfrauyll,
comitis Angusie, de mandato nostro visam, lectam, inspectam et diligenter exaini-
natam intellexisse ad plenum, de verbo in verbum, sub hac forma : Omnibus
Christi fidelibus presens scriptum visuris vel audituris Gilbertus de Vmfrauyll, etc.
— [No. 6, supra.']
Quam quidem cartam in omnibus punctis articulis, condicionibus et modis
ac circumstanciis suis quibuscunque, forma pariter et effectu, in omnibus et per
omnia approbamus, ratificanrus et pro nobis et heredibus nostris inperpetuum
confirmamus : saluo seruicio nostro : In cuius rei testimonium, presenti carte
confirmacionis nostre nostrum precepimus apponi sigillum ; testibus venerabili
in Christo patre Willelmo episcopo Sancti Andree, Johanne primogenito nostro
comite de Carrie senescallo Scocie, Roberto comite de Fyff et de Meneteth filio
nostro dilecto, Willelmo comite de Douglas et de Marr consanguineo nostro,
Jacobo de Lyndesay nepote nostro, et Alexandro de Lyndesay, militibus ; Apud
Kyndrochet in Marr, tercio decimo die mensis Julii, anno regiii nostri nono.
35. Renunciation by Alexander Lindsay, knight, Lord of Glenesk, in
favour of Margaret Countess of Marr and her sister Elizabeth,
of certain lands. 12th March 1379.
Till all that thir lettres herys or seis, Alysandre Lyndessay, Lorde of Glennesk,
knycht, gretyng in God euer lestand : Wete yhe me, for me and myn ayres and
assignez, at the instance of a noble and mychty Lorde, sir William, erle of Douglas
and of Marr, haue releissit, quytclaymit and for euer mare remittyt till an honor-
able lady, Dame Mergarete, contesse of Marr, and to Elyzabeth hir systir, dacheris
and ayres till an michty lorde, Thomas Sty warde, som tyme erle of Angous, all
my rycht, clayme, persuit, chalenge or askyng that I or myn ayres has, or may
haue, or our assignes, in tyme to come be ony ways, to fourty markis worth of
land, in the qwilkes the forsaid erle of Angous was obligit be his lettres to gyve
me heritably, eftir that I had tane the ordre of Knycht ; sa that nowthir I no
myn ayres, no our assignez, the forsaid dame Mergarete, Elyzabeth hir systir,
thair ayres, no thair assignez, by cause of the forsaid fourty markis worth of land,

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