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myfelf. The hope of peace encreafes.
O Lord, fend peace and truth together.
28. Now the peace is blown up. I was
very ferious this morning in the view of
launching out again into new ftorms of
temptations ^and fnares in a campaign. I
had entertained fome hopes that I mould
not dwell anymore in the rents ofwicked-
nefs ; but the will of the Lord be done.
June 14. We marched lad night at eight
o'clock, and continued all night till four
o'clock this afternoon. We are much
furprifed and difappointed this march, for
we believed all the night that we were
marching ftraight to attack the French ar-
my, or to lake fome pafs upon them,fo as to
oblige them to move and quit their ftrong
intrenchments, but inflead of that we are
marched ftraight to Tournay, and inveft-
• ing it to befiege it.
20. This morning again vexed with the
immorality aad fcandals committed by
fome in the fociety. I immediately pu-
niihed them fo far as the military law al-
lows. 1 know I got a great deal of ill
will among many of th officers for this
way of dealing, but I will glory in it. I
blefs God I hate no man's perfon, it is on-

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