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1709.] col. blackader's papers. 95
Note. — The campaign of this year was very
late in its beginning on account of a nego-
ciation for peace, which was long carried
on bv the powers at war. This, however,
after very promifing appearances proved
abortive, and the operations of the cam-
paign commenced with the (iege of Tour-
nay, the ftrongeft town in French Flanders,
which furrendered after a fiege of three
March 9. I obferve that as to our go-
ing up to Flanders, providence feemed to
point at feveral ways of our going, and
has ftill difappointed thefe again, and flop-
ped us. Well, I hope it was all in mer-
j 4. This day we left Rotterdam for
Flanders, and we arrived at Ghent the
17th. No fooner had we left the water
than a great ftorm came on, which conti-
nued all night. O the goodnefs of God
to us !
May 15. I was taking a review of the
laft campaign. God has been the hearer
of prayer to me, both for the public and

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