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qui imam abstinentiam guerrarum pro medio tempore inducant
cum effectu. Vestram regiam maiestatem in prosperis diriga-
tur, regat, et gubernet, qui cuncta bona creavit Scripta apud
Cantuariam XXIV. die Martii.
Vestre maiestatis humilimus orator T. Cantuariensis.
No. II.
However Lewis the Eleventh of France may have conducted
himself in respect to his wife Margaret, the eldest daughter of
James I. of Scotland, it would appear that Charles, his father, at
one time took a friendly interest in her relatives, and may have
been the means of procuring them rather advantageous alliances.
There is a letter, by Charles in 1448, x addressed to Sigismund,
Duke of Austria, Count of Tyrol, in which he approves of the
marriage that was to be contracted by him with " Alienoram
filiam Serenissimorum quondam Regis, necnon sororem prae-
sentis Scotorum, nostrorum carissimorum fratrum." He then
adds, that certain delays had occurred in the transaction " quia
consensus dicti carissimi fratris nostri Scotorum Regis erat ne-
cessarius, ad cujus praesentiam quondam nobis fidos destinavi-
mus, qui prout nobis nuntiaverunt, rem gratam acceptamque
habuit, turn etiam id carissimis consanguineis nostris Britan-
nia et SabaudicB ducibus, qiiibus sorores ejusdem carissimce
nostras Alionorae junctce sunt, notificavimus," 2 &c. The mo-
1 From MS. D'Herouval, ap. Spicilegium Dacherii, Vol. VII. p. 252.
2 It was to tlie son of the Duke of Savoy, to whom this sister was con-
tracted in marriage, as will be seen, and not to the father, whose'title,
however, as in the case of German Princes, may have been also taken? by
the former.

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