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Gazetteer of Scotland

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»eVeral pieces of wreck have at diffe-
rent times been discovered, which
tradition says were ships which had
been sunk on the appearance of the
Spanish Armada in 1588, to prevent
them from attempting the castle of
Dumbarton. Population in 1801,
38 65.
parish in Morayshire. Vi-de SpyniE;
NEWSTEAD ; a small viDage of
Roxburghshire, in the parish of Mel-
NEWTON 5 a parish in the coun-
ty of Mid-Lothian, nearly of a circu-
lar figure, 3 miles in diameter. The
surface is level, and the soil tolerably
productive. The whole district lies
upon coal, which has been wrought
here for upwards of 200 years*- No
fewer than 19 different seams of that
mineral run through the parish* in a
direction N. and S. Six of these
seams are called flats, lying in almost
an horizontal position, and are from
£ to 4 feet thick ; the other 13 lie at
nearly an angle of 90 degrees, are cal-
led edges, and the seams are from 2
to 10 feet thick. Some of the edge
seams are at present working by pits,
sunk 27 fathoms below the level of
the sea. Population in 1801, 1060*
NEWTON j a village in Renfrew-
shire, in the parish of Mearns, con-
taining about 240 inhabitants.
NEWTON ; a village in Fifeshire,
near Falkland, containing 180 inha-
NEWTON 5 a small village in the
parish of Forgandenny, Perthshire.
TON upon AYR. Vide Ayr (New-
town of).
siderable town in the county of Wig-
ton, situated on the river Cree, partly
in the parish of Mirmigaff on the
E. side, and partly in the parish of
Penningham on the W. side of the
river. It lies on the highway from
Dumfries to Port-Patrick, and is a
convenient stage betwixt Ferrytown
of Cree and Glenluce. It owed its
origin to a younger branch of the
Stewarts Earls of Galloway, whopos"-
sessed the estate of Castie-Stewart,
and founded this village upon it, to
which he gave the name of Newton-
Stewart. About 1788 the superiority
of the village and estate felt into, the
hands of William Douglas,' Es'q.tne-
same who is the proprietor of the vil-
lage of Carltnwark or Castle-D'ouglast
By his exertions its population had
greatly increased, and contained near-
ly 1000 inhabitants,* when it was erec-
ted into a borough of barony under
the name of Newton-Douglas, in ho-
nour of the lord of the manor; The
cotton manufacture has been introdu-
ced with great success ; a carpet ma-
nufacture is carried on to a conside-
rable extent \ and there are several
tan-works* A branch of one of the
Paisley banks has likewise opened a
counting-house* and marry circum-
stances concur to prove, that in 'J.
short time Newton-Douglas will be-
come a place of no small consequence^ «
It contains about 1200 inhabitants.
village in Banffshire, in the parish of
Keith, built on the estate of the Earl
of Fife, containing about 380 inhabi-
NEWTONSHAWj 3 village in
Clackmannanshire, on the river De-
von, built for the accommodation of
the work people employed by the
Dovan Iron Company.
parish in Forfarshire, about 2 miles
long, and l| miles broad, including a
part of the Sidlaw hills, particularly
the Qlack of Newtyle, an opening in
that ridge which affords a passage
from Strathmore to Dundee* The
surface N. of the Sidlaw hills is flat
and fertile, and the soil is a black loam
and clay. The village of Newtyle,
situated on the road from Dundee to
Meigle, 3 miles from the latter, con-
tains 230 inhabitants, who are mostly
weavers. Near the village are the
ruins of the castle of Hatten, built in
1575 by Lawrence Lord Oliphant ;
and near these ruins are some vesti-
ges of a more ancient castle, Baleraig,
concerning the erection of which even
tradition is silent. Population iu
1801, 781.
N-IBON ; a' small pasture island in
Shetland, about a mile N. of the
and Nithshale.
NIELSTON ; a parish in Renfrew-
shire, of an irregular form, about 9

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