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5. The affairs of the Union shall be administered by the Rugby
Football Union Committee—herein referred to as "the Committee".
After each meeting of the Committee an abstract of decisions shall
be circulated by the Union as early as possible, direct to Constituent
Bodies and Clubs, for posting on Notice Boards for the information
of their members.
6. To facilitate administration of these Bye-Laws, Laws of the Game
and Rules as to Professionalism, and to secure representation of clubs
on the Committee, each club shall be allocated to a recognised Con-
stituent Body (see Bye-Law 26).
7. The Officers of the Union shall be a President, two Vice-Presidents
and an Honorary Treasurer. If considered advisable, an Honorary
Assistant Treasurer may be added at the discretion of the Committee.
8. The Union shall be in membership with the International Rugby
Football Board, which is composed of two representatives of each
of the four Home Unions and one representative from each of the
Dominion Unions of Australia, New Zealand and South Africa; the
two representatives of the Union on the Board shall be elected
annually by the Committee from its members.
9. Any Rugby Football club desiring election shall be proposed
and seconded by two clubs: The application shall be forwarded to the
Union through the Constituent Body concerned (see Bye-Law 26),
which shall add its considered and minuted recommendation thereon.
Such application, made on an official form obtainable from the Secretary
of the Union, and accompanied by a list of fixtures for the previous
season, shall reach the Secretary of the Union before JUNE 1st in
order to render the applicant eligible for membership for the ensuing
10. The annual subscription of each club shall be £1 Is. Od., and
shall fall due on SEPTEMBER 1st. whose annual subscrip-
tion shall not have been paid by NOVEMBER 1st shall be liable to
suspension of its privileges as a member of the Union.
11. Each club shall be furnished annually with a copy of the Bye-
laws, the Laws of the Game and the Rules as to Professionalism, and
be bound thereby and any other members of the Union within Bye-
law 1 shall similarly be bound thereby whether or not supplied with
General Meetings
12. All General Meetings shall be held in London.
13. The President of the Union shall be Chairman of all General
Meetings and shall have a second or casting vote.
14. Each club shall be entitled to send one Representative, who
must be a member of, or a proxy properly appointed by the club, to
any General Meeting, and all such Representatives, together with the
Officers of the Union and members of the Committee, shall be allowed
to attend and vote.
If a proxy Representative is employed, he must be: