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58. A Scorer shall not accept a request from a coach when the
opposing coach has requested one and is still waiting for it to be
granted. A request for a time-out which has been accepted by the
Scorer cannot be withdrawn. A substitution once requested must be
65. Part of the sole of the player's boot must touch the line.
71. A player throwing the ball into play from out-of-bounds
may not be in contact with the line.
71. If a player passing the ball in from out-of-bounds passes it
out-of-bounds again, he commits a violation by causing the
ball to go out-of-bounds.
74. When there is a free throw, and the ball is to remain in play
if it rebounds from the ring, the officials should not allow the following:
(a) Players to stand between the end line and the first space marked.
(b) Players to run into the area as the throw is taken in order to
gain an advantage during the rebound.
(c) Players of either team to stand close behind other players who
are lined up for the rebound.
Players are entitled to alternate places, but they do not have
to fill them; if they do not, then the other team is entitled to fill them.
76. Any number of players may line up during a free throw.
80. The penalty
for all violations
is, opponents' throw in from the
side line at a spot nearest to the violation. This includes causing the
ball to go out of bounds over end lines.
85. A player who stands with one foot inside and one foot outside
the restricted area and just lifts and replaces the foot that is inside,
is counted as remaining within the area.
85. When the ball is to be thrown in from out-of-bounds the five
seconds and the possible three seconds count shall not begin until
the player out-of-bounds has possession of the ball
is in a position,
or is able, to throw the ball in.
86. The ball being bounced against the backboard does not in
itself start a new 30-seconds period, nor does a throw to a team mate
which passes close to the basket.
86. If a team throws the ball into play from out-of-bounds the 30
seconds count begins at the moment the ball is touched by a player
of that team on the court.
90. A player is "within the area" as for the 3 seconds rule (Art. 86).
91. Talking to, shouting at, or making any deliberate noise with
the intention of distracting an opponent, shall be considered un-
sportsmanlike conduct and may be penalised by a technical foul.
91 (e). A general warning to the captain can be made if players fail
to comply with this.
91. Discovery of foul means discovery by an official.
92. It is not a technical foul for the coach to talk during play,
provided he does not leave the bench.
93. Act of shooting starts when a player moves upwards for his