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51. (b)
Any Amateur competing at, or taking part in, a meeting
held by an unaffiliated Club or body, unless A.S.A. Law 3z has
been complied with, thereby disqualifies himself from competing
in or officiating at an event held under A.S.A. Laws until he is
re-instated by the District Association within whose jurisdiction
the meeting was held.
All questions as to starting, except as provided in Sub-sections
or Law 55, shall be decided in the discretion of the Starter,
and before starting a race he must satisfy himself that the Judges,
Referee and Timekeeper are at their posts.
(a) The Starter must take up a position at the side of the course.
He shall use the preparatory command, " Take your
Marks," and there shall follow a sufficient length of
time before the signal to start is given. The competitors
shall remain stationary until the actual signal (shot, whistle
or starting word) is given.
In scratch races, the Starter shall call back the competitors
at the first or second false start, and remind them of not
starting before the starting signal. Such false starts, if
repeated in the same heat (no matter if by the same or
another swimmer), shall disqualify. In handicap races,
a competitor going before his number is called shall be
disqualified, or alternately, may return to his starting
position on the side of the bath, or in the water under his
original station, and start afresh. In all scratch races, a
rope shall be used to stop swimmers after a false start.
(c) In Handicaps, the Starter shall arrange the competitors at
their stations (see A.S.A. Law 59), and when all are ready,
shall give the words., " Take your Marks, Go," and then
start counting. The competitors shall start when their
numbers are called.
(d) The Starter shall, previous to the start, describe to the
entrants the course of the competition, the spot where it
shall terminate, and, should the competitors be required to
round any object, the way in which it shall be rounded.
A competitor rounding an object contrary to the Starter's
order shall be disqualified.
Check Starter
A Check Starter shall be appointed for all Open Handicaps,
whose duty it shall be to disqualify all who start before their proper
numbers are called.
The finishing point in all races must be clearly stated in
the programme of the Gala.
case there is a rail at the finish, the competitors must
touch the bath wall if the course cannot otherwise be covered.