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(The following extract from A.S.A. Law
is reproduced as
a warning to Military personnel against taking part in any un-
registered meeting held by any civilian organisation, body or
club not affiliated to the A.S.A.)
" Any Club or Managing Body " " not affiliated
to a District, or any person wishing to hold a meeting, match or
competition under A.S.A. Laws, in which any other than its own
members are taking part, must, at least
days before doing so,
make application to the Hon. Secretary of the District or any
Organisation to which they may have given power to act, for a permit
on a form provided for the purpose, enclosing a fee of two guineas
or such lesser sum as the District Association may authorise, and
stating :
(a) Date, place and time of the meeting.
(b) Every item on the programme (including exhibitions).
(c) The guaranteed value of every prize.
(d) Amount of entrance fee for every event, which must always
include admission.
(e) The name of the Handicapper, who must have been
appointed by and for the District.
(f) The date for closing of entries.
(g) An undertaking—if a permit is granted—to carry out all
the Laws of the A.S.A.
All galas, swimming races, competitions and water polo matches
held must be under the Laws of the A.S.A., and all advertisements,
entry forms, programmes, tickets and official notices must contain
the following words thereon
" By permit of the * Counties A.S.A."
" Ur.der A.S.A. Laws."
" All permits must be signed by the Hon. Secretary of the body
by whom they are granted, and a report of all permits granted and
refused must be made to the next meeting of the District
The Executive of a District, or any Organisation to which it may
be given power to act, shall have the right to proclaim any Swim-
ming or Water Polo Competition or Exhibition, which is not in
accordance with the rules.
Open Competition
36. An Open Competition is one in which members of more than
one Club are eligible to compete.
(a) All promoting Clubs shall reserve to themselves the right
of refusing any entry, or to return the same after
acceptance, without being bound to assign a reason.
(b) No swimmer exceeding 16 years of age shall be allowed to
compete as " Unattached." An " Unattached " swimmer
is one who is not or whose Club is not affiliated to a District.
(Affiliated Clubs may hold races in which other than
* The name of the District A.S.A. should be here.