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3. (a) The constitution of the General Committee shall be as
follows :
(i) The Chairman.
(ii) Director, A.S.C.B.; Inspector of P.T.; Commandant
A.S.P.T.; one representative from each Command;
one from Northern Ireland District; one from
B.A.O.R.; one W.R.A.C.; and a representative of
the T.A.
(iii) Additional co-opted members up to the number of six.
(iv) The Hon. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer.
(b) The constitution of the Emergency Committee shall be as
follows :
(i) The additional elected members as above.
(ii) The Hon. Secretary.
The General Committee shall be called to one meeting per year.
All business which cannot be left over till this Annual Meeting shall,
if possible, be dealt with by the Emergency Committee.
4. The Union is affiliated to the Amateur Swimming Association,
and the Laws of the A.S.A. are thus binding on all Army
swimmers and divers.
Affiliation to the A.S.A. enables all members of the
Army to take advantage of the privileges of affiliation and to swim
as affiliated swimmers in civilian events. A military swimmer
must, however, belong to a military or other Club paying an
affiliation fee to a County Amateur Swimming Association to be
eligible to compete in a County Championship. A Military Club
affiliating as above is only required to pay the minimum fee to a
County A.S.A.
5. Questions of finance are vested in the hands of the Hon.
Secretary and Treasurer; these include the finances of the Army
Swimming Championships. The financial year of the Union
shall be from January Ist to December 31st.
Army Championships
6. Army Championships.
These shall be held annually at Alder-
shot, Woolwich, or at any other suitable venue which may be
decided upon by the General Committee.
The events shall be :
MEN Standard time
Mins. Secs.
ioo Yards Free Style
1 00
zoo Yards Breast Stroke
(3) Ioo Yards Butterfly Stroke
(4) Ioo Yards Back Stroke
I 12
Yards Free Style