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The International Rugby Football Board has passed the following
resolutions :
" That the employment of a paid Trainer or Coach is contrary
to the principles of Amateur Rugby Football."
" That it is contrary to the spirit of Amateur Rugby Football
that teams should be assembled at a centre during a period prior
to match for the purpose of change of air and training."
Rules as to Professionalism and other Illegal Acts as laid down by
the Rugby Football Union and Welsh Rugby Union,
Professionalism is illegal.
z. Acts of Professionalism by an individual are:
*A. Asking, receiving or relying on a promise, direct or implied,
to receive any money consideration whatever, actual or
prospective ; any employment or advancement; any
establishment in business ; or any compensation whatever for:
(i) playing Rugby football; or
(ii) rendering any service to a Rugby football organisation,
provided, however, that a joint Committee of the
Unions who have adopted these rules as to professional-
ism may by resolution except the Secretary or Treasurer
of a club or other Rugby Union football organisation
who has definitely ceased playing Rugby football;
(iii) training, or travelling expenses to or from any training
resort, or loss of time connected therewith ;
(iv) time lost in playing Rugby football or in travelling in
connection with Rugby football;
(v) expenses in excess of the amount actually disbursed
on account of reasonable hotel or travelling expenses.
B. Playing Rugby football for a club while receiving, or after
having received, from such club any consideration whatever
for acting as Secretary, Treasurer, or in any other office,
or for doing or for having done any work or labour about
the club's grounds or in connection with the club's affairs,
unless such work was done before the receiver became a
Rugby football player.
C. Remaining on tour at his club's expense ' longer than is
D. Giving or receiving any money testimonial; or giving or
receiving any other testimonial, unless permission has been
granted by his National Rugby Union.
memento or mementoes exceeding in value or
aggregate value the sum of
shall be given to any
player. (This is not intended to apply to a wedding