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LAW 34 (a) (i).—Foul Play, Misconduct
Tripping means tripping with the feet.
LAW 34 (a)
Law 34 provides that the Referee
deal very sharply with
obstruction or interference. This includes the offence of " wil-
fully holding a player not in possession of the ball," for which
caution and/or sending off of the offender is provided in the Law.
LAW 34 (a) (5)
If the Referee is satisfied that a player has wilfully caused a
scrummage to collapse or that as a result of any wilful infringement
by a player the scrummage has collapsed, he should either caution
the player or order him off the field. For a second infringement
order him off.
See also Note to
LAW 35.—
Repeated Infringements
The Referee should note that repeated infringement is a question
of fact and not a question of whether the offender intended to
infringe Law 35. If the same player has to be penalised repeatedly
the Referee should deal with him under this Law. The Referee
must not condone foul play by failing to apply (a) and (b) of this
Repeated infringements under (c) of this Law may arise mainly
in connection with Laws 15,
If a player has been penal-
ised for infringing the provisions of one of these Laws several times
in the same match, the Referee should warn that player that he
will be reported if he offends in the same way again. If notwith-
standing the warning, the player does so, he
be reported.
It is a question for the Referee whether or not a series of the
same offences by different players of a team amounts to repeated
infringement. If he considers that it does, he should give a general
warning to that team and, if the offence is repeated, he must send
the offending player off the field, or report him as the case may
In deciding the number of offences which should constitute
" repeated infringement " the Referee should always apply a
strict standard in representative and senior matches. In the case
of junior or minor matches where ignorance of the Laws and lack
of skill may account for many infringements a less strict standard
may be applied.
The International Board and the Unions in membership with it
will fully support Referees in the strict and uniform enforcement
of Law 35•