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The team and reserves, about 25 in all, having been chosen,
should be weighed and the weights entered in the weight boolc.
Then kit, which has already been described, should be issued.
This first stage is used to prepare the men's minds and bodies
gradually for the training proper which is to follow. No strict
programme of training can be advised as this naturally varies with
the mental and physical make-up of the team and also their standard
of boxing. But an example of the gradual progression that is neces-
sary in training is given here so that trainers may use it as a guide.
This particular progression has been found successful and gives
good results. It is based on an objective of 3 rounds of 3 minutes'
duration, but trainers can adapt the scheme to suit whatever duration
of rounds their team is going to box.
Road Work.
—Men must start work warm and be warm whilst
working. On the first day about 25 minutes on the road is sufficient ;
sharp walking with arms kept well up and moving. Three bursts of
fast work are put in which last one minute, timed by a watch. This
fast work may consist of shadow boxing, skipping, top work, or any
other form of light work decided on by the trainer. The time spent
on the road is increased daily until by the end of the first stage the
men are about
minutes on the road and the periods of quick work
have increased up to
of one minute.
After road work always finish with a shower and a rub down.
Gymnasium Training.
—This form of training should, if
possible, take place around about the time that the actual com-
petition will begin. Start off with a six or eight minutes " Boxer's
P.T."—a collection of free standing exercises chiefly for the arms and
Then divide the team into 4 groups, each of which should have a
different type of work to do. For example, skipping, ball punching,
bag punching, punch pad work, top work, shadow boxing, medicine
ball exercises, or any other form of light work. The trainer,
naturally, varies the form of exercise each day.
On a given signal, all four groups work fast for one minute, timed
by a watch. Then follows half a minute's rest, during which the
groups change round. Another burst of one minute, half a minute's
rest, a second change, and so on until each man has worked in each
Finish the evening with some loosening and relaxation exercises,
a shower and a rub down.
Avoid making this early gym. work exhausting. Too fast and
strenuous a start leads to staleness. No boxing is done during this
stage because when a man is not in condition rapid exhaustion
leads to slipshod punching and damaged hands.
During this period the team should cut down smoking, drinking,
and ony
other habits not conducive to fitness.