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4. Generally speaking, a boxer who has taken a cash prize on more than one
occasion or who has boxed as a professional for several years will not be reinstated
by the Amateur B.A. It is generally fair to assume that such a man knew enough
about boxing to realise that he was making himself a professional for life.
S. A young boxer who is keen to become an Amateur boxer should not be
prevented from doing so because of some comparatively minor infringement of the
rules while he was young and before he had been taught anything about the true
spirit of sport.
On the other hand, any serving soldier who becomes a professional after boxing
to the Army as an Amateur will not be reinstated again except under exceptional
18. Correspondence
All correspondence shall be conducted by Officers. Units shall
correspond with Command Representatives, who will, when
necessary, forward matters on to the Headquarters of the Association.
19. Army Boxing Colours
The colours are white shorts and vests with red trimmings, with
the Army badge on the chest.
20. Army Colours
The colours, which consist of a badge (a lion on a crown with
laurel leaves each side), will, with effect from
be awarded to
every Army boxer who:
(i) Has won an Army Individual Amateur Championship,
Officers or Other Ranks, and, having been selected by the
Association, has represented the Army Representative Team
(ii) If not a Championship holder, has, having been selected by
the Association, boxed on three occasions for the Army
Representative Team.
(iii) In special cases the Army Boxing Association Executive
Committee have power to award colours.
The badge may be worn on a blazer.
Those boxers who have qualified as above, but before
obtain a badge from the Hon. Secretary.
(iv) An Army Boxing tie has been instituted, qualifying con-
ditions being the same as for the Army colours. Ties may be
obtained from Messrs. T. M. Lewin & Son, Ltd.,
Jermyn Street, S.W.1.
(v) It is undesirable that boxers should wear the Army badge
when representing their unit in the Inter-unit Competition.
(vi) A boys Army Colour will be awarded to the winner of each
weight in the Army Junior Individual Boxing Championships
or to a Boy who represents the Army in the I.S.B.A. Junior