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i. (a) The Army Ski Championship shall take place at such places
as may be determined by the Executive Committee. The organisa-
tion of this meeting may be entrusted to the Race Committee or,
by arrangement with the S.C.G.B., to any of their affiliated clubs.
(b) All races will be run under International Ski Competition
Rules (F.I.S.) where applicable, except as amended by the Army Ski
Group Draw
Each Team Captain or competitor shall furnish, on request, a
copy of his, or his team's
racing record.
3. (a) All Unit Teams must be drawn from a single Unit as defined
in the Army Sport Control Board " Definition of a Unit " (pages
53 to 58) with the following variation :
" Regular Army H.Qs. (Theatres, Divisions, etc.) may enter
teams from the same arm of the Service."
(b) Corps Teams will be made up as follows
(i) R.A.—All ranks on the strength of the Royal Regiment of
(ii) Infantry—All ranks on the strength of all Infantry
(iii) All other arms—All ranks on the strength of each Corps.
(A.P.T.C. to count as a Corps ; R.H.G. and L.G. as
(c) A Team in the Downhill and Slalom Races must consist of the
same four competitors, of whom the best three in the combined result
will count. Langlauf and Patrol Teams may be differently composed.
The best three in the Langlauf Result will count. Nominations
must be handed in to the Race Office by 5 p.m. the evening before
the race or such other time as the Race Committee shall determine.
(c) The composition of a Patrol Team will be
i Officer.
i N.C.O. (Full Corporal or above).
Lance-Corporals or Privates, or the equivalent.
4. In all races other than the Slalom, the course will be flagged as
follows :
Direction Flags Small red flags.
Danger Flags Yellow flags.
Control Flags Large blue flags.
Direction and Danger Flags may be disregarded, but both a
competitor's feet must pass between each pair of Control Flags
and between the Starting and Finishing Posts or he will be dis-
5. (a) Any competitor (or patrol) failing to return when so ordered
by the starter for " beating the pistol " will be disqualified.