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3. There is no subscription.
4. The Association shall be governed by a General Committee
consisting of the following officers: The President, the Chairman,
the Hon. Secretary, the Hon. Match Secretary, the Hon. Tourna-
ment Secretary, the Hon. Treasurer and a representative from each
Command at Home, N.I. District and B.A.O.R.
Each Command shall appoint its own representative. A repre-
sentative of the Army Lawn Tennis Association (Women) may be
present at any committee meetings at which matters affecting the
A.L.T.A.(W.) are discussed.
5. A Chairman will be elected annually, who, in the absence of
the President, will preside at all committee meetings. In the absence
of the Chairman, the senior officer present will preside.
6. An Executive Committee, consisting of the Chairman, the
Hon. Secretary, the Hon. Match Secretary, the Hon. Tournament
Secretary and the Hon. Treasurer, will be empowered to deal with
matters which are not of sufficient importance to necessitate calling
a meeting of the General Committee, or are too urgent to await the
next General Meeting.
The Executive Committee shall have the power to co-opt an
additional member if they see fit to do so.
7. At any Committee Meeting three members shall form a
8. The President will be elected by the General Committee. He
will retire after holding office for three years and will be eligible for
9. The Chairman and members of the General and Executive
Committees will retire at the Annual General Meeting. They will
be eligible for re-election.
to. The Annual General Meeting will be held as soon as possible
after the Annual General Meeting of the Lawn Tennis Association
each year, when the accounts for the past year, duly audited, shall
be presented; committees shall be elected and all general business
I I.
The Executive Committee may at any time convene a Special
General Meeting of the Association for the purpose of submitting
to the meeting any alterations and additions to these rules that the
Executive Committee think expedient or for any other purpose.
No alteration shall be made in the Rules of the Association
unless supported by at least two thirds of those voting.
13. Notice of any business to be submitted at either the Annual
or Special General Meeting shall be given to the Hon. Secretary
fifteen days before the date of the meeting.
Selection Committee
The following shall form the Selection Committee to choose
annually the team to represent the Army in the Inter-Services
Championship: the Chairman, the Hon. Secretary and the Hon.
Match Secretary, who shall have the power to co-opt an additional
member if they
fit to do so.