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The winners of the three tournaments to play off against each
other in the Regimental Institute to decide the best player in the
Games in above stage, as decided by unit will be of
up ; or, if played on a time limit, of one or one and a half hours'
Games in all succeeding stages will be played on a time limit
(ii) The best Unit player (irrespective of rank) in each Brigade,
Garrison or other convenient group of troops to play off
a knock-out tournament in some Garrison or Central
Regimental Institute. All games in this stage to be of
one and a half hours' duration.
(iii) The winner of stage (ii) to play off a knock-out tournament
to decide the best player in each Command. This tourna-
ment to be played off in the most convenient Garrison or
Central Regimental Institute. All games in this stage to be
of two hours' duration.
Final Stage.
Winners of the Command Championships will
compete in a knock-out tournament for the Army Title on the
Match Table at Thurston's Hall, or the Union Jack Club, in May
or June. (The exact date and place will be notified.)
Games at this stage will be :
Preliminary rounds of two hours' duration.
Final—Two sessions, each of two hours' duration.
6. In
games Crystalate Balls must be used.
7. There will be no entrance fee in Final Stage. Commands
should make their own arrangements in Stages (i), (ii), and (iii).
8. A gold medal will be presented to winner, and cues and cases
to other competitors.
9. Return Third-Class railway fares of competitors in Final Stages
will be defrayed on arrival in London.
io. Fifteen minutes' grace will be allowed to a competitor who
is not present at the time scheduled for any match. If not then
present, the absent player will normally be deemed to have. scratched.
Should the Officer or' Referee in charge of the game
and sufficient reasons
for the competitor's absence, he may use his
discretion and, taking into consideration the possibility of post-
poning the game without unfairness to the other competitor present,
insist on the penalty or postpone the match. The competitor present
must not be called upon to claim the game.
i . Any competitor winning the Unit or later stage whose name
is not notified to the Command Representative (or other local
representative for next stage) in time to admit of his playing in the
next stages will be deemed to have scratched.
The draw will take place at the venue of the Final games
between Io.3o a.m. and ii a.m. on first day of Final Stage. The
designation of the six Commands and two Districts will be drawn in
the usual manner. Players will be opposed to each other in order
3 and 4, etc. The games will take place in like