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should only be held on very rare occasions, as opinions on debatable
matters could generally be obtained by correspondence.
6. The Executive Committee to meet annually before the
commencement of Championship games and as occasion requires,
e.g., change of Hon. Secretary, on receipt of notification by Hon.
7. The Hon. Secretary to forward copies of Agenda of coming
Executive Committee Meetings to all Commands and their Billiards
Representatives, so that suggestions may be submitted thereon, '
and similarly to forward copies of the minutes of such meetings.
S. The Hon. Secretary to notify Headquarters of Commands and
Billiard Representatives of the result of the final games of the
Championship, played in London.
9. A General Meeting of the Association will be called on the
request of three (3) Commands other than those represented on the
Executive Committee.
io. The Executive Committee shall have power to amend the
Rules of the Army Billiard Championship.
The Hon. Secretary will maintain a list of Commands and
Representatives, who should notify any alteration taking place.
That Messrs. Thurston and Co., Ltd., be requested to
nominate a representative to attend General Meetings of the
Association and of the Executive Committee when their interests
are concerned in matters to be discussed. Messrs. Thurston will be
provided with a copy of the agenda in such cases.
i. The Championship is open to all ranks, and will be played
under the Inter-Unit system. (See " Definition of a Unit,"
pages 43-4
z. All games will be played in accordance with the rules of the
Billiard Association and Control Council.
3. The " Thurston Challenge Shield " can never be won outright.
The shield should be insured while in the possession of a unit,
and returned to Messrs. Thurston and Co., Ltd., Leicester Square,
W., one month before the commencement of the final stages of the
next year's Championship.
A certificate as to insurance should be given to the Hon. Secretary
of the Army Billiard Association, who will provide a form for that
4. Commands will eliminate their Championship player under
their own arrangements to compete against the winner of other
Commands. The following method of elimination is recommended:
(i) Unit Stage. Officers, W.O.s, Sergeants, and rank and
file to hold knock-out tournaments on the respective Mess
or Institution tables, to decide the best—
(a) Officer.
(b) Sergeant (including W.O.$).
(c) Corporal or Private.