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bodies only, competitions must be carried out on purely amateur
No money prize may be competed for.
Any infringement of this rule will render the unit or individual
liable to be debarred from competing in Army or Amateur Com-
petitions. The rules of the Amateur Association regarding an
Amateur are given for information. (See pages
and io8).
In connection with the above, it is pointed out that:
(a) Soldiers who give instruction in athletics, as part of their
Military duties, do not thereby forfeit their Amateur status.
(b) Military efficiency competitions embrace such competitions
as are not considered games and sport and controlled by the Army
Sport Control Board.
(c) The value of prizes given in kind can and should be stated
in competitions, facilities being offered for useful articles to be
provided for those winning such prizes. This requires careful
supervision and cases' of abuse must be closely guarded against.
It is incumbent on all units in the Army to report direct to the
Hon. Secretary, Army Athletic and Cross Country Association,
on 1st January each year, and from time to time, as occurring,
the numbers and names of those Officers and other ranks who are
Professionals, similarly cases for consideration of re-instatement
must be submitted to this Association. (Forms can be obtained on
application to the. Hon. Secretary).
An athlete who is not an Amateur, as defined by the Amateur
Athl,ptiz Association, shall neither be eligible to compete at an
Army Championship Meeting or to be included in an Army Team.
N.B.—Ruling of the General Committee, 8th July, 1938.—It is
not permissible for a unit to employ a Professional Trainer in
connection with Athletic or Cross Country Training.
XVI.—Civilian Competitions
Members of the British Army wishing to compete in civilian
meetings held under the auspices of the Amateur Athletic Associa-
tion must make their entry on the A.A.A. Form (forms can be
obtained direct from the A.A.A., 118, Chancery Lane, W.C.z).
These forms should normally be supplied by the Hon. Secretary
of the Athletic Meeting at which it is desired to make an entry.
Every serving soldier 'shall state his Regt., No., Rank, Name and
Unit on his entry form when making his entry. (Officers will state
their Rank and Unit.)
Every question at meetings of the General Committee shall be
decided by a majority of the votes, except questions affecting the
conditions of the Championships Meetings, when a two-thirds
majority shall be necessary. At meetings of the General Com-
mittee each member of the General Committee (except Command
Representatives). has one vote. Cominand Representatives shall
have voting power equal to twice the number. of votes possessed