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ff liere a wrestler momentarily leaves the ground in " turning
in " for a " buttock " or " flying mare," etc., or in jumping
behind his opponent, a " lift " shall not be scored unless he uses
his opponent's body as a pivot on which to jump behind.
With this exception, a wrestler shall be awarded only " lifts "
actually made by himself.)
3. The contestants may take hold how and where they please,
but any grip that endangers life or limb, or has for its object
the punishing of an opponent, or inflicting such pain as might
force him to give in, shall not be allowed.
Pulling the hair, or seizing ears, flesh, etc., is not permitted.
Neither fingers nor toes may be twisted, and striking, kicking,
gouging, butting, and strangling are forbidden. Holding an
opponent's clothing is not allowed.
The employment of such holds as the double nelson, strangle
or half-strangle, flying mare with palm uppermost, or the
hammerlock shall not be permitted in any circumstances, and their
use may be followed by disqualification of the user.
4. A bout shall be terminated at once by a " lift," or the best
of the three " lifts," whichever is convenient, but should no " lift "
be scored within a period of five minutes the bout shall be awarded
to the wrestler who has scored most points under Rules 6 and 9.
Should no points have been awarded under Rules 6 or 9, the bout
shall be awarded to the competitor who has performed the better
work, as hereinafter described, in the opinion of the officials
conducting the bout.
5. A wrestler may place his hands on the ground at any time
during the bout if he so desires, but no part of the body other
than the hands or feet may touch the ground.
6. Falling down or touching the ground with any part of the
body other than the hands or feet is penalised by the loss of
one point.
7. Locking with the legs to prevent " lifting " is permissible.
S. Lifting with the leg, as in the " hype," is allowed.
9. If a complete " lift " be prevented by a leg lock which is
not immediately broken, one
only is awarded the " lifter."
10. Whenever a
point is
awarded under Rules 6 or 9, the
contestants shall " break " and commence wrestling afresh.
11. The loss of three
under Rules 6 or 9 by the same
wrestler is equivalent to a " lift," and shall count as such.
12. Deliberately throwing an opponent is a foul, and disqualifies
a thrower.
13. Deliberately falling to prevent being " lifted " is penalised
by the loss of the bout by the wrestler so falling.
U. Contestants shall shake hands before commencing and on
terminating a bout.
15. For all competitions there shall be a Referee, two Judges,
Timekeeper, and two Clerks of the Scales.