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There are several styles of wrestling practised at the present
time, the principal being Graeco-Roman, Catch-as-Catch-Can, and
Cumberland and Westmorland. Most of these styles require a
good deal of technique and practice, and, generally speaking, are
not altogether suitable for Army purposes. It was for this reason
that, when wrestling was introduced at the Army School of Physical
Training during the Great War, a special Army Style, based
largely on the Cumberland and Westmorland style, was adopted.
After a good deal of trial and experiment, this Army System was
dropped in favour of the Cumberland and Westmorland style,
which was taught for several years.
One disadvantage of most styles of wrestling is that they require
special mats, which are expensive; another disadvantage is that
wrestlers in the novice stage are apt to fall clumsily, and to suffer
more or less serious injury. In order to combat these disadvantages
Mr. S. V. Bacon, an Amateur ex-Champion and International
Wrestler, brought out a system known as Standing Catch-as-Catch-
Can. Mr. Bacon's system, while obviating the above-mentioned
disadvantages, is also useful as a form of preliminary training for
most of the other styles. From a Physical Training point of view,
it is excellent, requiring, as it does, quickness of decision, mental
alertness, strength, and agility.
Mr. Bacon's system was experimented with at the Army School
of Physical Training in 1930, and the inventor himself gave a
demonstration of it, and explained his ideas of it and his reasons
for introducing it. The system has now been adopted at the
School, and is taught to all students.
A study of the rules will make the advantages of the system
clear, and will bring out the fact that it can be done in a very
small space on any level floor or piece of ground, and that no
expensive apparatus, such as mats, is required.
Anyone who wishes to go in for any of the other styles of
wrestling is advised to consult the National Amateur Wrestling
Association. The Hon. Secretary's address is Gairloch, Wallington,
(Published by the Courtesy of Mr. S. V. Bacon and copyright
by him.)
1. Wrestling shall take place within a circle, the diameter of
which shall not be greater than 15 feet, nor less than 10 feet.
2. Wrestlers shall compete for a " lift,"
each shall
endeavour to lift his opponent
clean off his feet.
A " lift " shall
be awarded immediately this is accomplished to the satisfaction of
the Referee.