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6.—Every question at General or other Meetings shall be decided
by a majority of the votes, and in case of an equality of the votes,
the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote.
Alteration of Rules.
7.—The Rules of the Association shall not be altered except at
the Annual Meeting of the General Committee or at a Special
Meeting of the General Committee called for that purpose; and
no alteration shall be made in the Rules of the Association unless
supported by at least two-thirds of those voting.
S.—The Hon. Secretary will be responsible for notifying repre-
sentatives of the General Committee of any alterations to the
9.—Books of Accounts shall be kept by the Treasurer.
Annual Accounts.
10.—At the Annual Meeting of the General Committee in every
year the Executive Committee shall lay before the members a
detailed statement of the income and expenditure of the Associa-
tion for the past 12 months, and such statement shall be made to
April 30th next preceding such Meeting.
I1.—The accounts shall be audited by two auditors to be
appointed annually by the Army Sports Control Board.
12.—There will be no subscription from Units.
Conditions of Membership.
13.—No Command, District, Regiment, Corps or individual shall
institute or take part in any prize competition other than an Army
Hockey Tournament or a Unit Challenge Cup or Shield. No
individual prize or medal may be given.
NOTE.—(a) This Rule does not apply to Regiments in Ireland,
Scotland and Wales, which must obey the Rules of the
Irish, Scottish or. Welsh Hockey Unions or Association,
but they must not transgress this Rule while in England.
(b) This Rule does not prohibit a Command Hockey Cup
Selection of Army X1.
14.—The Selection Committee shall consist of three members, to
be nominated annually at the General Meeting.
The Captain of the Army XI shall not be a member of the
Selection Committee.