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1.—The Association shall be called the
The Association shall control Hockey in the Army,
and all Units may belong to the Association.
Control shall be exercised through Command and District Sport
Composition and Powers of General Committee.
2.—The Association shall be governed by a General Committee
consisting of the following Officers :—A President,
two or more
Vice-Presidents, Hon. Secretary and Treasurer (the duties may be
performed by one or more Officers), a representative from each
Command, London and Northern Ireland Districts, and R.M.A.
and R.M.C.
Each Command shall appoint its own representative, who may be
an Officer, N.C.O. or Private.
Annual Meeting of General Committee.
—(a) The Annual Meeting of the General Committee shall be
held in London each year for the purpose of the election of
Officers, other than representatives of Commands, endorsing work
of Executive Committee, presentation of accounts and for other
business. Six shall form a quorum.
(b) The Hon. Secretary shall give fourteen days' notice for the
Annual General Meeting, together with a copy of the Accounts
to be presented thereat, to each member of the General Committee.
(c) Each Command shall be entitled to send one representative to
any Annual or Special General Meeting.
Special Meeting of General Committee.
4.—The Executive Committee or the Hon. Secretary may,
whenever they think fit, convene a Special Meeting of the General
Committee of the Association; and a Special Meeting of
the General Committee shall be convened upon a requisition made
to the Hon. Secretary in writing from any representative of the
General Committee. Any such requisition shall express the object
of the Meeting proposed to be called, and upon receipt of such
requisition the Hon. Secretary shall forthwith proceed to convene
a Special Meeting of the General Committee. At least seven days'
written notice of every Special Meeting of the General Committee,
specifying the place, the hour, and the day of the Meeting, and
the purpose for which such meeting "is to be called, shall be given
by the Hon. Secretary to each member of the General Committee.
5.—The Hon. Secretary will cause Minutes to be made in a book
provided for the purpose of all resolutions and proceedings of all
meetings, and such Minutes shall, upon questions put, and note
taken thereon, either at the Meeting or at some subsequent Meet-
ing, be signed by the Chairman, and when signed by the Chairman
shall be conclusive evidence of the correctness of the entry.