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offering a substantial prize. But with team competitions a man
should be prepared to fight for the honour of his unit. An idea
is sometimes suggested that a man should receive a prize for
boxing because he gets damaged, but it is only a novice as a rule
who is at all likely to get hurt. There is a far greater risk of being
hurt at football than boxing, and yet no one suggests that a
football team need prizes when they play for their unit. The
necessity for presenting expensive prizes has often resulted in a
lack of boxing meetings in the past. If expensive prizes have to
be bought, a large hall has to be booked, seating accommodation
arranged, etc., in order to get the necessary gate money to pay for
the prizes. If we can avoid the necessity of providing expensive
prizes there should be a great increase in the number of local
matches between units or between the Services.
69. Unsportsmanlike Behaviour.
Competitors who are disqualified for committing deliberate fouls
or for unsportsmanlike conduct will be debarred from receiving a
prize or taking any further part in the meeting. If the referee
considers that the boxer should be suspended, he must inform him
that his case is being reported to the Headquarters of the Service
Association concerned, and that he may not box at any meeting
until lie hears further. In reporting the case, the referee must
suggest a term of suspension after consulting with the local
committee. The decision of the Service Association concerned
must be reported to the boxer's Commanding Officer, to the
referee, and to the local Committee. The Honorary Secretary of
the Service Association is also responsible that the decision is
reported to the Hon. Sec., I.S.B.A. The latter is responsible for
reporting any suspension to the A.B.A. and B.B.B. of C.
Similarly, the A.B.A. and B.B.B, of C. have agreed to report any
boxer suspended by them to the Hon. Sec., I.S.B.A., who will
then inform the three Service Associations.
70. Questions Not Legislated For.
In the event of any question arising not provided for in these
rules, the referee shall have full power to decide such questions,
and his decision shall be final. Such question or decision should
be reported to the Hon. Secretary, if, in the opinion of the referee,
further action or adjudication is necessary.