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15.—In the event of a supposed infringement of the Laws, the
ball shall be in ploy until a decision has been given.
16.—In the event of any temporary suspension of play from any
cause, the ball not having gone into touch or behind the goal line,
the Referee shall
drop the ball
where it was when play was
suspended,. and the ball shall be in play when it has touched the
ground. If the ball goes into touch or behind the goal line before
it is played by a player, the Referee shall again
drop it.
players on either side shall not play the ball until it has touched
the ground. A. free kick shall be given for an infringement of
this Law.
(a) Decision of the International Boa-rd: —Linesmen, where
neutral, should call the attention of the referee to rough play or
ungentlemanly conduct, and generally assist him to carry out the
game in a proper manner.
17.—In the event of any infringement of Laws 5, 6, 8 or 10,
or of a player being sent off the field under Law 13, a free kick
shall be awarded to the opposite side from the place where the
infringement occurred. In the event of any intentional infringe-
ment of Law 9 outside the penalty area, or by the attacking side
within the penalty area, a free kick shall be awarded to the
opposite side from the place where the infringement occurred. In
the event of any intentional infringement of Law 9 by the defend-
ing side within the penalty area, the Referee shall award the
opponents a penalty
kick, which shall be taken from the penalty
kick mark under the following conditions:—All players, with the
exception of the player taking the penalty kick and the opponents'
goal-keeper, shall be within the field of play but outside the penalty
area, and at least 10 yards from where the kick is being taken.
The opponents' goal-keeper must stand on his own goal line until
the ball is kicked. The bail must be kicked forward. The ball
shall be in play when the kick is taken, and a goal may be scored
from a penalty kick; but the ball shall not be again played by
the kicker until it has been played by another player. If necessary,
time of play shall be extended to admit of the penalty kick being
taken. A free kick shall also be awarded to the opposite side
if the ball is not kicked forward, or is played a second time by the
player who takes the penalty kick until it has been played by
another player. The Referee may refrain from putting the
provisions of this law into effect in cases where he is satisfied that
by enforcing them he would be giving an advantage to the offend-
ing side. If, when a penalty kick is taken, the ball passes between
the goal posts under the bar, the goal shall not be nullified by
reason of any infringement by the defending side.
(a) Derision of the International Board :—
penalty kick
can be awarded irrespective of the position of the ball if in the field
of play at the time the offence is committed. In the event of the
ball touching the goal-keeper before passing between the posts, when
a penalty kick is being taken at the expiry of time, a goal is scored.