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13.—A Referee shall be appointed, whose duties shall be to
enforce the Laws and decide all disputed points; and his decision
on points of fact connected with the play shall be final,
so far as
the result of the game is concerned.
He shall also keep a record
of the game and act as timekeeper. In the event of any ungentle-
manly behaviour on the part of any of the players, the offender or
offenders shall be cautioned, and if any further offence is
committed, or in case of violent conduct without previous caution,
the Referee shall order the offending player or players off the field
of play, and shall transmit the name or names of such player or
players to his or their National Associations, who shall deal with
the matter (a) (b) (c). The Referee shall allow for time wasted,
lost through accident or other cause (d), suspend or terminate the
game whenever by reason of darkness, interference by spectators,
or other cause he may deem necessary; but in all cases in which a
game is so terminated he shall report the same to the Association
under whose jurisdiction the game is played, who shall deal with
the matter. The Referee shall have power to award a free kick in
any case in which he thinks the conduct of a player dangerous,
or likely to prove dangerous, but not sufficiently so as to justify
him in putting in force the greater powers vested in him. The
power of the Referee extends to offences committed when the play
has been temporarily suspended and when the ball is out of play.
Law 1.3. (a) Persistent infringement of any of the Laws of the game
is ungentlemanly conduct within the meaning of this Law.
(b) A player may enquire from a Referee as to his decision, but is
not entitled by word or action to show dissent from any such
decision. A Referee is required to treat the breach of this instruction
as ungentlemanly behaviour.
(c) Decision of the International Board:—All Reports of Referees
to be made within two days after the occurrence (Sundays not
included) and reports will be deemed to be made when received in
the ordinary course of the post.
(d) Referees .may in certain circumstances send their reports to the
affiliated Association concerned. (See Agreement dated June 17th,
(e) A player guilty of using foul or abusive language to the Referee
shall be liable to be treated as guilty of violent conduct.
(f) Decision of the International Board:—If in the opinion of the
Referee a player has been seriously injured, the game shall be
stopped, the player at once removed from the field of
and the
game resumed. If a player is slightly injured the game shall not be
stopped until the ball has teased to be in play.
14.—Two Linesmen shall be appointed, whose duty (subject to
the decision of the Referee) shall be to decide when the ball is
out of play, and which side is entitled to the corner kick, goal kick
or throw-in; and to assist the Referee in carrying out the game in
accordance with the Laws (a). In the event of any undue
interference or improper conduct -by a Linesman, the Referee shall
have power to order him off the field of play and appoint a
substitute, and report the circumstances to the National Association
having jurisdiction over him, who shall deal with the matter.