Scottish school exams

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Negotiations with Barbarians.
(V) Turn maximus natu ex eis, “ missi sumus ” inquit “ a gente
nostra, qui sciscitaremur, qua tandem re fretus arma nobis
inferres ? ” ad banc percontationem Gracchus exercitu se
egregio fidentem yenisse respondit, quem si ipsi visere velint,
quo certiora ad suos referant, potestatem se eis facturum esse :
tribunisque militum imperat, ut ornari omnes copias peditum
equitumque et decurrere iubeant armatas. ab hoc spectaculo
legati missi deterruerunt suos ab auxilio circumsessae urbi
3. (a) Give the (1) meaning, (2) gender, (3) genitive singular, of the
following nouns:—vds, vds, tus, gens, genus, ordo, palus, pdlus,
seges, cinis.
Mark the quantity of the last syllable but one, when the
genitive is a word of three syllables.
(6) Parse the following words, and give the 1st person present
indicative active, and other principal parts, of the verbs from
which they come :—cessistis, peterentur, quaesieris, coepisti,
nacti estis, gesturus, caruerunt, morarere, vinxisti, pepigero,
differres, dedisses.
(c) Give the comparative and superlative of :—bene, male,
vetus, maledicus, idoneus, acer: and give the Latin words for
here, hither, hence—where, whither, whence.
(d) Distinguish between duo, alter, secundus, bini, bis; and
give the corresponding forms (so far as they exist) in the case of
the numbers one and three.
Distinguish between quidam, quis (indefinite), quisquam,
aliquis, quisquis, quilibet.
4. Translate into Latin :—
1. I have no one to help me.
2. I know that he would have returned if you had allowed
3. There is no one here who does not think so.
4. Tell me how many friends you will bring with you.
5. He will return to you at Rome on the 30th March.
5. Answer one (not both) of the following questions :—
(a) Give some account of any one of the following:—C.
Gracchus—Sulla—Catiline—the Emperor Tiberius,
(b) Explain the terms dactyl, spondee, caesura, elision; and
give the scansion of the last five lines of passage 2 (a) {nos
ammo, to praemia vestro).

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