Scottish school exams

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(16) Greek, Higher Grade
16. (c) Distinguish in meaning between Sia tovtov, Sid tovtov : wap*
avrov, trap’ avrov, trap' uiniZ : ovSets ovk tcfar], ovk oiSeis.
Translate, adding a note on the syntax:—
(1) (8ei£ai dvcurios iiv rov <f>6vov.
(2) fiovXti uoi thru) rt Stl iToiiiv;
(3) idv prj ypap. par a. p.dOT]<;, croifrbs ovk tcrtl.
(4) ottojs pi] 6 dr rov iroptvcrto-Oe rov Seovros.
(5) viro rov rvpdwov drredavfv.
(6s) ovk iyu) rt d>f?>.
Give the Greek for—Tell me, give me, bring it here, take it away,
come with me, go with him, slay there.
Higher Grade.
20. Friday, 23rd June.—2 to 5 p.m.
(Candidates mil not be allowed to pass unless they reach the necessary
standard both in Grammar and in Translation.)
I. Translate :—
The Praise of Order.
*Eo-rt 8* oiSev outcos, at yvvai, ovr tv^pgcrrov ovre KaXbv dvflpoWot? is
rd£is. /ecu yap ^opo? e£ dvOftot-atv (rvyKfiptvos icrriv’ dAA. orav piv rroiataiv
o n dv rvxj/ l/eacrTCK, rapaxg tis (faivcrai Kal OedaOai drepTres, orav 8e
r(Tayp(v<ti<; ttoiumti /cat <f>deyywvrai, dpa ot avrol ovroi ko! d£io6earoi SoKovcriv
etvai Kat d^iaKOvaroi. Kal (TTpand ye, eefygv, i yvvai, dra/cros pev overa
TapaxioStcrrarov, /cat rots •7roA.ep.tois ei^eiptordrarov, rots Si </>i\ois d/cAec'errarov
opav Kat axpr/o-rorarov—or os bpoii, OTrAtrps, (TKevoifopos, i/aAos, Imrevs,
apa£a—ttuis yap dv iropevOeiev, ear e^orres ovrtos eiriKwXvoxTiv dAA^Aoos, o
piv (2aSi£u>v rbv rpe^orra, o 8e rpe'^cuv ror eo-rrjKora, rj Si dpa£a rov bnrea,
6 8e oros rgv dpa£av, d Si aKevoiftopos rov dirXir-gv ; el Se Kai Se'ot pdxe<r6ai,
Tris «v ovtcds tyovres paxecraivro; oh yap dvdyKt] avrutv rovs imovras efevyuv,
ovroi tKavot ee’ert c^euyorres Karairargcrai rovs orrXa e^ovras. reraypevg Si
errpand KaXXurrov piv ISeiv rots c^tAois, Svcrxepeararov Si rots iroXepiois.
II. Translate one of the following passages :—
(a) Odysseus makes himself known to the Swineherd and the Neatherd
by his scar.
20. 'EvSor per Sr] oS’ cords eyed, koko. iroXXa poyqaas,
rjXvOov eiKoerrw eret e’s rrarpiSa yatar.
ytyrcdcTKO) 8’ is o-</)itr eeXSopevoieriv iKavat,
ototert Spdtwv • rir S’ dAAcor ov rev aKovcra
ev£apevov epi avrts vrroTporrov olkoS' iKeerOai.
criitr 8’. is errerai irep, aXr]6eir]v KaraXe^oi.

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