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Goldbach, Germany ;24 C 33
Goldbagciie (Bay), Turkey in
Asia f, i
Goldbasin, Wash., U. S -“i .
18 J 12
18 L 11
112 A 4
22 G 14
Goldbeach, Oreg., TJ. S
Goldbeck, Germany
Goldberg (Mecklenburg-
Goldberg (Silesia), Germany -4 K.
Goldburg, Idaho, IT. S 10» ^
Goldcliff, England ™ £
Golden, Br. Columbia ^ ^
Golden, Col., U. S 109 ^
Golden, 111., U. S. 9J °
18 C 9
18 H 12
18 L 11
Golden, la., U. fiF
Golden, Ireland ^ ^
Golden, Kan., U. S 4
52 E 5
104 D 10
94 D
114 C
94 J
98 C
114 H 2
12 I)
11 .1
35 E
86 M
86 N
99 G
97 C 11
97 C 11
75 K 2
60 M
93 D
50 G
69 P
111 E
114 J
24 K 23
Golden! Miss., U. S JSl ^
Golden, Mo., U S ^ ^
Golden, Neb., U. b. ••• ^ j
Golden, N. Mex U. S 110 -jj,
Golden, S. Bak. IT. S 199
Golden, Tex., U. S. «« f
Golden, Wash., U. S. •••• •
Golden (Bay), New Zealand
Golden City, Mo., U. S.
Golden Eagle, 111., U. b.
•Golden Gate (strait;
Francisco), Cal., C. S.
Golden Gate, 111., U. S. ...
Golden Gate, Minn., U. S
Golden (Gate), Jerusalem^ 39 C
Golden Gate (Park),
Francisco, Cal., IT. o. .
Golden Grove, Wales •■••••••• • ^ i.
Golden Grove Station, Wales
Golden Hill, England
-Golden Horn (bay; Constan¬
tinople), Turkey in Europe
Golden (Lake), Ark., IT. b. ...
Golden Lake, Ark., U. b. ...
Golden Lake, N. Dak., U. b.
Golden (Lake), Ontario M H
Golden (Lake), Waukesha
Lake Region, Wis., U. S. ...
Golden Lake, Waukesha
Lake Region, Wis., U. b. ...
Golden Ring, Md., U. S.
Golden Spring, Va., U. S ^6 D
Golden Stream, Manitoba
Golden Valley, Minn., U. S.
Golden Valley, Queensland
Goldenbridge (Dublin), Ire-
Goldenbridge, N. Y., U. S.
Goldendale, Wash., Lb b. ..
Goldengate, Cal., IT. S
Goldenhill, Md., U. S L
Goldenkron, Austria j
Goldenpond, Ky., U. S. D
Goldenridge, Me., IT. S. 6o G
Goldenville, Nova Scotia 63 H
Golder’s Green, London J
Goldfield, Col., U S 109 H
Goldfield, la., U. S. 101 F
Goldgulch, Cal., U. S HI U
Goldhanger, England 9 9
Goldhill, Ala., U. S. 84 Z
Goldhill, Col., IT. S.
Goldhill, Nev., U. S.
Goldhill, N. Mex., IT. S HO G
Goldhill, N. C., U. S 78 J
Goldhill, Va., U.S. J6 G
Goldie (River), East Indies ... 48 H
Goldingen, Russia 34 l,
Goldington, England » L
Goldman, Ark., U. S 8b J
Goldman, La., U. S. 87 G
Goldmine, Ala., U. S. ••••• °4 B
Goldner, Minn., U. S 98 A
Goldpoint, N. C., U. S 78 P
Goldrun, Cal., U. S H4 E
Golds, Ky., U. S. 8^ A
Goldsberry, Mo., IT. S 103 G
Goldsboro, Fla., U. S 810
Goldsboro, Md.. U. ft. 7o M
Goldsboro, N. C.. U. S 78 O
Goldsboro, Pa.,, U. S. 73 J
Goldsborough, England ‘ 6
Goldsborough, Victoria 51 L
Goldsmith, Ind., U. S. 9^ D
Goldsmith, N. Y., U. b 70 P
Goldsmith, Wyo., U. S 103 P
Goldston, N. C.. U. S. 78 L
Goldthwaite. Tex., U. S 88 J
Goldtown, W. Va., U. S 77 C
Goldvllle, Ala., U. b 84 b
Goldville, S. C., U. S 79 E
Golea, El, Algeria 54 G
Goles (mt.), Bosnia 38 L
Goleschi (Great Wallachia),
Rumania - 99 U-
• Goleschi (Moldavia), Rumania
Golesci, or Goleschi (Wal¬
lachia), Rumania ............
Goleshti, or Goleschi (Mol-
davia), Rumania . ........... 3o b
Goleshti, or Goleschi (Wal-
lachia), Rumania 33 ‘i
Goleta, Cal., U. S U5 F
Goletta, Tunis •••••• 54 j
Golfan (Mountains), Sudan ...
• Golfe d’Aiguesmortes (gulf),
Golfe d’Ajaccio (gulf), Cor-
gj[ca I® ^
Golfe d’Afiso (gulf), Corsica...
Golfe de Calvi (gulf), Corsica
^Golfe de Fox (gulf), France...
18 J 11
18 L 12
18 L 11
18 M 12
18 L 11
18 M 10
18 J 12
18 M 12
18 L 12
18 L 12
18 L 12
Golfe de Frejus (gulf), France
Golfe de Galeria (gulf), Cor-
Golfe de Gascogne (guif),
Golfe de Giens (gulf), France
Golfe de Girolata (gulf),
Golfe de la Napoule (gulf),
Golfe de Mortoli (gulf),
Corsica ;••••
Golfe de Porto (gulf),_ Corsica
Golfe de Porto Vecchio (gulf),
Corsica / "VA"
Golfe de Sagone (gulf),
Golfe de Saint Florent (gulf),
Golfe de Saint Tropez (gulf),
France ;"”CA"
Golfe de Santa Manza (gull),
Golfe de Senetose (gulf),
Corsica / "ViV 'AVV
Golfe de Valinco (gulf), Cor¬
Golfe de Ventilegne (gulf),
Golfe des Saintes Maries
(gulf), France
Golfe du Lion,
Lyon, France
Golfe du Lion (gulf), France
(on travel map) 9 vr
Golfe Jouan (gulf), France
Golfete, Guatemala
Golii, Somaliland so i ~
Golfito, Rio (river), Costa ^ ^ n
Golfoade Campeche or (Guif)
of Campeachy, Mexico ...^ H8 M 8
Golfo de Chacao (gulf), Chile 1-4 C 12
Golfo de Cortes, or (Gulf) of
California, Mexico U9 C
Golfo de Guacanabo (bay),
pnV,o Li* ^ *
GolfoC de las Penas (gulf), ^ c ig
Golfo del Corcovado '(guif), ^ c i2
Golfo de Morrosquiilo (gulf), ^ ^
Colombia •■■■■•- .••• ^
Golfo de Rosas (gulf), Spam
Golfo de San Jorge (gulf), Ar¬
Golfo de San Jorge (gulf),
Spain •••
Golfo de San Matias (gulf), ^ ^
GolfoedeTrinidad (gulf),Chile 124 B 13
Gulf of
18 E 12
18 K 9
54 J 8
56 J 10
40 F
34 H
35 C
90 B
18 K 11
120 G 4
20 Q
123 D 13
20 N 4
124 E 12
109 H
... 113 C
Golfo de Vera (gulf), Argen
Golfo1 di Genova, or (Gulf) of
Genoa, Italy 3
Golfo di Venizia, or (Gulf) of ,
Venice, Italy 3i w *
Golfo Dulce (gulf), Costa Rica 1-0 M 11
Golfo Nuevo (gulf), Argentina 124 E 12
Golgol, New South Wales go x? q
Goliad, Tex., U. S °8 K
Goltva, Russia 34 J 7
Goltz-Jenikau, or Goltsch
Jenikau, Austria 29 L 4
Golubatz, Servia ••••• 3o u 4
Golubovec, or Golubovetz,
Hungary ^9 ^ “
Golubovetz, Hungary 29 N 11
Goluh, Somaliland o5 b 8
Golungo Alto, or Galungo
Alto, Port. W. Africa 56 K 13
Golzow, Germany 22 H lb
Gomagoi, Austria 29 B 10
Gomakaun, Egypt V? A o
Gomasha, Sudan £ a
Gomba, Nigeria 54 G 8
Gomba, Br. E. Africa 56 P 10
Gombe, Fr. Kongo 56 K 10
Gombe (river), Ger. E.
Africa “ ° a
Gombe, Nigeria ••
Gombe Point (L.H.; Gabun),
Fr. Kongo
Gombin, Russia ••••■• 04 a
Gombroon, or Bander Abbas,
Gomel, Russia
Gomenitsa, Turkey m Europe
Corner, O., U. S. •••••
Gomera (island), Canary Is-
lands ^ M 8
Gomera, La, Guatemala HO D 5
Gomera (L.H.), Canary Is-
lands 20 M 8
Gomersal, Pa., U. S
Gomersall, England .....
Gometra (island), Scotland ..
Gomez (Buenos Aires), Ar-
gentina 134 E 43
Gomez, Fla., U. S 81 Q 8
Gomez, Mexico n9 9 »
Gomez, Tex., U. S •■••• 89 D 6
Gomez Palacio, or Lerdo,
Mexico , H9 G 5
Gomma, Abyssinia 55 P 8
Gommern, Germany 11 14
Gommiers, France 19 D 4
Gomo, Greece 36 * 6
Gomor (co.), Hungary 28 M t3
Gomora, or Kaffa (region),
Abyssinia 55 Q
Gomshall, England 9 E
Gomshino, Russia 34 L
Gomul (Pass), India 41 B
Gona, Fr. W. Africa 54 F
Gonaive, Gulf of, Haiti 117 J
Gonaive Island, Haiti 117 J
Gonaives, Haiti H7 J
Goncelin, France M
Goncharof (Island), Korea ... 46 D
Goncz, Hungary 28 N
Gouda, India 41 9
Gondal, India 41 L
Gondar, Abyssinia 55 Q
Gondek, Germany V? o?
Gondes, Germany 24 b ^
Gondimori, Fr. Kongo 56 .1 n
») j
hi j
if||) j
74 C
7 F
14 D
Goliad (co.). Tex., U. S.
Goliak Planina (mt.), Turkey
in Europe
Golightly, S. C., U. S. •••
Golima, or Gulima (river),
35 D
79 E
UllUld, VI r \ " r- TJ
Somaliland 50 n.
74 I)
34 G
28 N 3
Golinza, Pa., U
Golki, Russia „ p-
Golkowitz, Germany 24 K -7
Goll, WTis., U. S 97 C 4
Gollantsch, Germany -4 H 25
Gollers (river), Austria 29 n
Gollersdorf, Austria ■■■■■■■■■ za "
Golliaz, Grand (mt.), Switzer-
land on P
Golling, Austria ......... 29 u
Golfing, Hoch (mt.), Austria 29 H
Gollnitz, Hungary .
Gollnow, Germany ^ & £
Gollnowshagen, Germany 2. L 21
Gollub, Germany 24 r -j
Golnitz, or Gbllnitz, Hun
Golnitzbanya, or Gollnitz,
Hungary IqU-ii
Golo (river), Corsica i» 19
Golo (tribe), Sudan 55 N
Golofnin (Bay), Alaska He H
Golofnin (Sound), Alaska 116 H
Gologory, Austria 28 Q
Gologury, or Gologory, Aus-
Goloid, Ga., IT. S 80 H
Golon, or Golong, Nigeria 54 H
Golong, Nigeria 54 H
Golosa, Pena (mt.), Spam 20 M
Golosovo, Russia 34 J
Golovanevsk, or Galovan-
evsk, Russia 34 H
Golovanievski, or Galovan-
evsk, Russia ; 34 H
Golovinskii, Fort, Russia ...... 33 G
Golovnin (Harbour), or Golof-
nin Bay, Alaska ue H
Golovno, Russia 94 f,
Golspie, Scotland 44 44
Golspie (L.H.), Scotland 44
Golssen, Germany 22
Golta, Russia 34 M
Goltsch-Jenikau, Austria 29 L
Further geographical information will be found by referring to
35 K
35 H 4
55 O 8
18 D 11
18 M 10
18 L 11
18 F 12
J 18
Gooch, Tenn., U. S
Gooch Mill, Mo., U. S
Goochland, Va., U. S
Goochland (co.), Va., U. S. ...
Good Easter, England
Good Ground, N. Y., U. S. ...
Good Harbor, Mich., U. S. ...
Good Harbor (Bay), Mich.,
Good Hope, Fort (Macken¬
zie), Canada
Good Hope, Cape of, Cape
Good Hope, D. C., U. S
Good Hope or Goodhope, 111.,
U. S
Good Hope (Bay), Alaska
Good Hope or Rekareka (Is¬
land), Low Archipelago ...
Good Hope or Niuafu. (Is¬
land), Polynesia
Good Range, Fla., U. S j
Good Success (Bay), Argen¬
Good Thunder, Minn., IT. S. ...
Goodall, Va., U. S
Goodbars, Tenn., U. S
Goodbout, or Godbout, Que¬
Goodell, la., U. S '.
Goodell, Pa., U. S
Goodells, Mich., U. S
Goodenough (Bay), East In¬
Goodenough (Island), East
Indies §13
Goodenow, 111., U. S 1 iB
Gooderstone, England I; 1
Goodes, Va., U. S ip (
Goodhart, Mich., IT. S ' ! (
Goodhope, Ala., U. S r j
Goodhope, 111., U. S ) t
Goodhope, Miss., U. S j
Goodhope, O., U. S It
Goodhope, W. Va., U. S i ’ i
Goodhue, Minn., U. S Sjj s
Goodhue (co.), Minn., U. S. ... Ss i
Goodie Water (stream), Scot
land ....
Gooding, Mich., U. S
Goodland, Ind., U. S.
8K 1
Goodland, Ind. Ty., U. S lin
11) 11
19 M
3 G
19 M
Gondo (tribe), Liberia. 54 D
Gondokoro, Br. E. Africa 56 O
Gondora, Somaliland 55 K
Gondrecourt (Meurthe-et-Mo-
selle), France
Gondrecourt (Meurthe-et-Mo-
selle’l, France (on travel
Gondrecourt (Meuse), France
Gondu, Sudan 55 N 8
Gone, Sudan 55 N 7
Gonek (river), Turkey in
OO O '»
Gonerby,’Great, England J? £ 5
Goneschi, Rumania 3o L 2
Goncshti, or Goneschi (Mol-
davia), Rumania in £ q
Gonesse, France 49 ^ 9
Gonfaron, France 48 44 m
Gongan, Port. E. Africa 57 L 2
Gongi, Kongo Free State 56 M 12
Gongo Houte, Kongo Free
State 00 m lu
Gongo Hute, or Gong0 n
Houte, Kongo Free State ... 56 M 10
Gongola (river), Nigeria ..... 54 J 8
Gongolgon, New South Wales 51 G 3
Gongolgan, or Gongolgon,
New South Wales H G 3
Gongwe, Ger. E. Africa 56 O 12
Goni (island), iEgean Sea 3" V 4
Gonic, N. H., U. S 66 U 9
Goniondz, Russia ^7^10
Gonja, Br. E. Africa 56 Q 12
Gonja (native state), Gold
Coast ^ 8
Gonn, New"South Whales 51 F 5
Gonnos Dereli, Greece 2® f 1
Gono, Sudan 56 L 9
Gono Gawa (river), Japan 46 F 6
Gonobitz, Austria L 11
Gonokawa, or Gono Gawa
(river), Japan 4« 4 6
Gonsawa, Germany 24 G 2b
Gonsken, Germany 24 L 3o
Gonye or Gonyi (Falls),
Rhodesia 56 Ml
Gonyi (Falls), Rhodesia 06 M15
Gonzaga, Italy 34 4
Gonzales, Cal., U. S HA D
Gonzales, La., U. S ••• 87 H
Gonzales, Isla (island), S.
Pacific 434 49
Gonzales, Tex., U. b 88 K
Gonzales (co.), Tex., U. S §8 K
the General Index,
Goodland, Kan., U. S.
Goodland, Mo., U. S
Goodleigh, England
Goodlettsville, Tenn., U. S.
Goodloe, Ky., U. S
Goodloes, Va., U. S
Goodluck, Ky., IT. S
Goodman, Ala., U. S
Goodman, Miss., U. S
Goodman, Mo., U. S
Goodna, Queensland
Goodnestone, England „
Goodnight, Mo., U. S lf|
Goodnight, Tex., U. S *■
Goodnow, Wis., U. S
Goodooga, New South Wales
Goodradigbee, River, New
South Wales
Goodrich, Kan., U. S
Goodrich, Mich., U. S
Goodrich, Tenn.. U. S
Goodrich. Tex., U. S
Goodrich Castle (ruins; Here-
fordshire), England
Goodson, Mo., U. S 1
Goodspeeds and Moodus Sta¬
tion, Conn.. U. S
Goodspring, Tenn., U. S
Goodville, Pa., U. S
Goodwater, Ala., U. S.
Goodwater, Ind. Ty., U.
Goodwater, Kan., U. S.
Goodwater, Mo., U. S I®
Goodwick, Wales
Goodwill, S. C., U. S. .....
Goodwill, S. Dak., U. S.
Goodwill, Tenn., U. S. .
Goodwill, W. Va., U. S. ..
Goodwin, Ariz., U. S
Goodwin, Ark., U. S. ....
Goodwin, Mount, S. Australia
no! TT S I
l F
l 1
Goodwin, Cal., U. S.
Goodwin, Okla., U. S
Goodwin, S. Dak., U. 8
Goodwin, Wash., U. S
Goodwine, 111., U. S
Goodwood, Ontario
Goodwood House (Sussex),
Goodwynsville, Va.,^U.b
Goodyear, Pa., U. b.
Goodyear, Wis., U. S. ••••••••• "
Goolagong, New South Wales
Goole, England ••••
Goole. England (on travel
Goolwa, S. Australia
Goolwa. or Murray (River),
New South Wales
Goombalia, New South Wal
Goomtee, or Gumti (River),
Goona, India ••■■■■•
Goondiwindi. Queensland ...
Goongarrie, W. Australia , j ;
Goor, Netherlands
Goornong, Victoria
Goose (Cape), Newfound and
Goose (Cape), North, Russia
F ®
: K 1
Vol. 35.

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