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5 jnenwood, Ltah, U. S 113 K
Isienwood (Klickitat co.),
Wash., U. Hi D
1 liipnwood (Whitman co.),
f Wash., U. S Ill H
lenwood, W. Va., U. S 77 B 3
• ;len«ood, Wis., U. S 97 B 4
1! i lenwood Junction, Mo., U.S. 10? G 3
' lenwood Springs, Col., U. S. 109 D 3
leresse, or Ligerz, Switzer¬
land ■; 27 D
[eschendorf, Germany 22 D 12
lettinganes (point), Iceland 25 R 2
levam or Gloucester, Eng¬
land V-A 12 K
, ew (Buenos Aires), Argen-
! ptina 124 F 13
. ezen, Ind., U. S 92 B 8
iidden, la., U. S 101 D 3
i jdden, Tex., U. S 88 L 8
Bidden, Wis., U. S 97 E 2
Hide, Oreg., U. S 112 B 3
it.iden, N. C., U. S 78 Q 2
Imakra, Sweden 26 J 8
|imim, Morocco 54 D 3
| in, Ireland 16 C 6
[iina, Hungary 28 H 6
? ina, Turkey in Europe 35 C 6
: husk (Poltava), Russia 34 J 6
insk (Kherson), Russia 34 J 7
inton, England 8 D 4
jon, or Ilanz, Switzerland 27 K 4
1 ion (mt.), Switzerland 27 C 5
littering Fish (Lake),
Keewatin, Canada GO N 2
dttertind (mt.), Norway 26 F 6
ittretind, or Glittertind
mt.), Norway 26 F 6
obe, Ariz., U. S 110 E 5
obe, Cal., U. S 115 G 6
obe, N. C., U. S 78 F 2
obe, S. C., U. S 79 I) 3
obe, Wis., U. S 97 E 5
obe Hill (nit.), W. Austra-
ia 50 A 4
obe Mills, Pa,, U. S 73 PI 5
obe Village, Mass., U. S. ... 67 F 4
obeville, Col., U. S 109 ,T 3
ickner, Gross (mt.),Austria 29 F 9
jdosy, Russia 34 H 7
)gau, Germany 24 J 23
)gau, Germany (on travel
>gaa, Ober, or Oberglogau,
ggnitz, Austria
igow, Austria
gue, Wales 12 C 2
imbatziani, Turkey in Eu-
ipe 35 C 8
•mmen (river), Norway ... 26 G 6
Germany 23 R 14
( oston, England 8C 4
pen (L.H.), Norway 26 H 3
open, Norway 26 E 6
( ria (Rio de Janeiro),
.razil 123 J 3
rieta, N. Mex., U. S 110 K 3
( rioso (Islands), Madagas-
r 56 S 12
( 5, France 19 B 2
( s-sur-Risle, or Glos,
, ance 19 B 2
((slunde, Denmark 25 J 7
sa, or Platana (Skope-
s), ^gcan Sea 36 J 2
C sa or Linguetta (Cape),
rkey in Europe 35 B 8
66 F
66 E
77 F
80 D
70 O
Glover, Vt., U. S
Glover, West, Vt,, IT. g.
Glover (Reef), Gulf of Hon¬
duras 1?A TJ
Glovergap, W. Va., U. S.".
Glovers, Ga., U. S
Gloversville, N. Y., U. S. ... "
Gloves Fork (stream), Ind.
U* S 106 <N 7
Glowen, Germany 22 G 15
Gldwen, Germany (on travel
map) 3 L 2
Glowitz, Germany ’ 24 C 25
Glutookoi, or Grubokoi, Rus¬
sia 34 ^ 4
Glucksburg, Germany 22 C 10
Gluckstadt, Germany 22 E 10
Gliickstadt, Germany (on tra¬
vel map) 3 J 2
Glud, Denmark 25 F 5
Gluhov, or Glukhof, Russia 34 K 6
Glukhof, Russia 34 K 6
Glukovi, or Glukof. Russia... 34 K 6
Glurns, Austria 29 B 10
Giusburu, England 7 D 4
Glusk, Russia 34 G 5
Glyde (River), Ireland 16 H 4
Glyme, River, England .... 9 B
Glymont, Md., U. S 75 H
Glyniphville, S. C., U. S 79 F
Glyn, or New Inn, Wales 11 F
Glyn-corwg, Wales 12 E
Glyn Dyfrdwy^ Wales 11 F
Gobleville, Midi.,
29 K
29 D
24 M 26
29 N 8
28 N 1
12 J
80 C
87 B
85 B
48 J 2
C sop, England
C|ter, or Gloucester (co.),
( ter, Ga., U. S
1 ter, La., U. S
C ter, Miss., U. S
0 cester, Cape, Bismarck
0 eester, England 12 K
0 "ester, England (on tra-
map) 3 i)
cester (co.), England 12 J
cester, Port, India 41 M
cester, New, Me., • U. S. 65 C
cester, Upper, Me., U. S. 65 C
cester, Mass., U. S 67 M
cester, West, Mass., U. S. 67 M
cester (co.), New Bruns-
cester (co.), N. j ., IJ. S.""
ester, New South Wales
ties r ^co*^ New South
ester, Ofitario
fester, West, R. I. u g
ester, Va., U. s.
pester (co.), Va.. ti. s.
fes er City, N. J., u.S.."
pester or Paraoa (Is-
Wester0WiArcl1-ipelago -
ester Junction, New
o5ter iPoint), Va., ij. s’
jestershire (co.), Eng-
,vpa,-u.s VT
Her ’*Ireland 16 D
her. Switzerland 27 D
II. S.
Gl I’ v°c ri-Sb 104 L
GW n p-’T'®- 4 78 N
IF. N. Dak., U. S 99 E
Glyn Neath, Wales 12 F
Glyndon, Md., U. S 75 J 2
Glyndon, Minn., U. S. . 98 A 3
Glynn (co.), Ga., U. S 80 II 9
Glynnwood, O., U. S 90 B 3
Gmund, Austria (on travel
map) 3M 4
Gmund (Carinthia), Austria... 29 G 10
Gmtind (Lower Austria), Aus¬
Gmund (Tyrol), Austria
Gmiliid (Wurtemberg), Ger-
nmany 23 P 10
Gmund (Upper Bavaria), Ger¬
many . 23 R 14
Gmunden, Austria 29 H 8
Gmundenersee, or Traun See
(lake), Austria 29 H 8
Gna-pye-ma, Burma 43 c 6
3 M 3 Gnadenfeld, Germany 24 M 26
Gnadenfeld, Russia 34 K 8
I Gnadenfrei, Germany 24 L 24
Gnadenhutton, O., U. S 90 H 4
Gnalen (Guam), Ladrone Is-
lands 52 O 1
Gnarlbine, W. Australia 50 C 6
Gnarp, Sweden 26 K 5
Gnesen, Germany 24 G 25
Gnesen, Germany (on travel
nnap) 3 jq- 2
Gnesia, Sweden 26 K 7
Gniewkowo, or Argenau
Germany 24 G 27
Gniezno, or Gnesen, Ger¬
many 24 G 25
Gnolen, Germany 22 E 18
Gnosall, England 11 J 3
Gnossus, or Knossus, Crete... 36 D 8
Goa, East Indies 48 e 6
Goa, Er. Kongo se j n
Goa (Portuguese colony),
India 42 d 22
Goa, New, or Panjim, India 42 D 12
Goa, Old, India i 42 E 12
Goa Goa, or Gao, Sahara ...... 54 G 6
Goa (Island), Guam, Ladrone
„Islands 52 O 2
Goabis, Ger. b. W. Africa 56 K 15
Goadby, England 8 0 4
Goadby Marwood, England... 8 C 3
Goahlra, or Goajira (penin¬
sula), Colombia 122 C 1
Goajiros (territory), Colom-
_bI?. 122 C 1
Goajiros (Indian tribe),
Colombia 122 C 1
Goalanda, or Goalundo, India 41 M 8
Goalpara, India 41 N 6
Goalundo, India 41M 8
Goascoran (River), Honduras 120 H 6
Goat Fell (mt.). Scotland 15 D 4
Goat (Island), San Francisco,
Cal., U. S 114 j 2
Goat (Island), N. Y., U. S 71 A 4
Goat (Island?. R. I., U. S 68 K 5
Goat Island (L.H.; San Fran-
cisco), Cal., U. S. (on local
map) .... 56 J 2
Goat Island (L.H.; W. of
Kennebunk), Me., U..S 65 C 9
Goat (Mountain), Tex., U. S. 89 D 7
Goat (Reef), West Indies 118 H 6
Goathland, England 6 K 5
Gobabis, Ger. S. W. Africa ... 57 D 2
Goban (Island), Persia 40 C 5
Gobatsl, Be^huanaland 57 F 4
Gobay, or Gobe, Kongo Free
State 56 L i0
Gobbeh, Arabia 39 h 3
Gobe, Kongo Free State 56 L 10
Gobek, Turkey in Asia 38 C 3
Gober (district), Nigeria 54 H 7
Gobers (Ferry). Wash., U. S. Ill F 1
Gobi, Desert of, Central Asia 44 F 2
Gobi. Eastern (desert). Cen¬
tral Asia 44 L 1
Gobindapur, India 41 N 2
Goble, Oreg., U. S 112 C 1
vxuuieviue, Mich., U. S. 96 K 13
Gobo, Abyssinia /"" « § «
Gobowen, England ...
Gobur, Victoria S1 v
Gobw.en, Br. E. Africa".'.'.'.'. ;.'' 56 r
0r Gobwen> Br. E.
Goch^Germany ' || ^ l!
55 P
11 F 3
56 R 11
57 D
40 F
40 H 5
42 K 10
42 K 10
43 J
79 K
62 F
E 5
G°cbas’ or Gokhas,
b. W. Africa
God-i-Bagb, Persia .
^rnekl* Persia .°r 40 n
G<P;bi Nemek, Persia".'".'.'.'.'.'.'.'." 40 w
GTp1vZlrreh (swampy lake)
Godain, India Io i
T’dalry-’ or Godaii’i. India ...
Godaiming, England .. 9 F
Godar Baiucbistan 40 |
GTTtarut’ • or Gudar-i
Godard, Pa., U. S S %
Godavari (river), India V/." 42 H 11
Indiari (river)’ Mouths of,
Godbold, S."c'.',"u" s
Godbout, Quebec
Godda, India .... T
Goddailr, Iceland i""" 25 P
Goddard, Ala., U. S. 84 B
Goddard, Kan., U. S ' ' 105 w
Godefa-el-Majena, Bir, Tripoli 55 K
Godeifroy, N. Y.,’U. S. P 69 N
Goden, Turkey in Asia qq it
Goderich, Ontario . . m n
Goderville, Prance " 19 a
Godesberg, Germany . 2'? r
Godfrey, Col.-, U. S. ^
Godfrey, Ga., U. S.
Godfrey, 111., U. S.
Godfrey, Kan., U. S.
Godfrey, Kv., U. S.
Godfrey, Mich., U. S.
Godhaab, or Godthaab,
Greenland gg y
Godhra, India 41 d
Godianu (mt.), Hungary 28 P
Godiasco, Itaty 31 p
Goding, Austria 28 H
Godiva Ridge (mts.),""col.,’
109 L
80 E
94 E
105 H
82 D
96 O
109 B 1
63 D
72 D
51 K
51 J
61 K
68 H
76 X
76 K
72 D
52 N 9
63 D
76 L
12 J
91 F
76 G
84 B 7
Godjarrp or Gojam (district);
Abyssinia 55 q
Godnow [Godknow] Bridge
England ’ 7 jj
Godley, England 7 r>
Godley, 111., U. S 93 j
Godman, Ky., U. S 82 B
Godmanchester, England ... 8 E
Godmanstone, England 13 j
Godmersham, England 9 j
Godna, or Revilganj, India... 41 K
Godnatt Rock (L.H.; Karls-
krona), Sweden 26 J 8
Godney, England 13 h 1
Godofelassi, Eritrea 55 Q 7
Godollo, Hungary 28 L 4
Godoy (Buenos Aires), Argen¬
tina J24 F 13
Godra, or Godhra, India 41 D 8
Godrevy Island (L.H.), Eng¬
land 13 G 4
God’s (Lake), Keewatin,
God’s Mercy, Bay of, Hudson
n Bay 59 N
Godstone, England 9 f
Godstone Station, England ... 9 F
Godthaab (Copenhagen),
Denmark ; 25 O
Godwin, Fla., LT. S 81 M
Godwin, N. C., U. S i!;" 78 M
Godwin, Tenn., U, S 83 G
Godwin Austen, Mount,
India 4j p
Godwinsville, Ga., U. S. ......... so E
Goedereede, or Goeree (is¬
land), Netherlands 21
Goedereede Harbour (L.H.;"
N. W. of Goeree), Nether¬
lands 21 (j
Goe'bner, Neb., U. S. 103 G
Goeree, Netherlands 21 D
Goeree (Island). Netherlands 21 C
Goeree (L.H.; W. of Goeree),
Netherlands 21 C
Goes, Netherlands . 21 C
Goes, Netherlands (on travel
map) 3 F
Goes, O., U. S
Goes, Portugal
Goeselville, 111., IJ. S
Goessel, Kan., U. S.
Goethe, S. C., U. S. ...
Goethlte, Ala., U. S.
Goetz, N. Dak., U. S „„ ^
Gofe, Gold Coast 54 F
GofT, Col., U. S 109 O
Goff, Idaho, U. S 108 C
Goff, Kan., U. S 105 G
Goff, Ky., XL S 82 D
Goff, N. C., IT. S 78 M
Goff, Pa., U. S 74 D
Goffs, or Goff, Kan., U. S 105 G _
Goffs, W. Va.. U. S 77 D 2
Goffs Falls, N. H., IT. S 66 H 11
Goff’s Oak, England 9 F 2
Goffs Station, Ky., U. S 82 C 6
Goffstown, N. H.. U. S 66 H 10
Gofilon, England 12 G 2
Gog Magog (Hills), England... 8 F 5
GImiia °r G°gra (Biver),
Gogarza, Utah’ ii. s! im ii
Gogebic, Mich., U. S 95 r
Gogebic (co.), Mich., U. S.' 95 b
Gogebic (Lake), Mich., U. S. S5 b
Gogebic Station, Mich.,
U. S ’ 96 25
Goggansville, Ga., U. S. 80 C
Gogha, or Gogo, India 41 d
Gogho, or Gogo, India 41 D
Gognac, Kan., U. S 105 A
Gogo, or Gao, Sahara 54 g
Gogo, India 44 43
Gogol (River), East Indies ... 43 H
Gogolm, Germany 24 M 27
Gogomi, Sudan 55 j_, g
Gogra (river), India 41 t
Gogtok, Sudan 55 p
Gogunda, India 41 d
Gohana, India 44 F
Gobeenville, Pa,, TJ. S. 74 D
Gohpur, India 44 n
Gohrde, Germany """ 22 F
Gohren (Mecklenburg-
„ Schwerin), Germany 22 F 13
Gohren (Pomerania),Germany 23 D 18
Gohum, Somaliland 65 R 8
Goiduk, Russia 33 r a
Goife, Fr. W. Africa 54 D 8
Goil, Loch, Scotland 15 E 2
Coin, Loch, Scotland 15 G 3
Goingsnake, Ind. Ty. U. g 406 N 3
G010, or Gaio (Paxos), Ionian
oGa 3^ g 0
Goio Muiassa, Kongo Free
State 1^’ iQ'
Goirle, Netherlands 21 F 6
Goisern, Austria " 09 p
Goito, Italy 34 j
Gojab, India (on local map)... 41 L
Gojam (district), Abyssinia ,
Gok, Persia
55 Q
40 G
38 F
33 C
Gok (river), Russia 33 m
Gok (river), Turkey in Asia ..
Gok^ Dagb (mt.), Turkey in
,or Geik (Mountains),
Turkey In Asia
GA^iaSU ^river)’ Turkey in’
Cfbk-Tepe, or Geok-Tepe,
Asiatic Russia 37 H 5
Gokak, India 41 jr 41
Gokcha (Lake), Russia 33 J 7
Gokchai, Asiatic Russia 38 M 2
Gokchaisk, or Gokchai, Rus-
38 D 4
38 E 4
Gokdilli Dagh (mt.)', "Turkey
in Asia
38 M 2
38 G
60 N 3
C 5
91 C
20 D
93 K
105 E
79 F
84 C
99 C
Gokhas, Ger. S. W. Africa r\
Gokinai (division), Japan i"::: 46 g
Goksu, Turkey in Asia 33 K
Goksun, Turkey in Asia 38 G o
Goktepe, or Gektepe, Turkey
Gola (Island), Ireland 16 E 1
Golade, Port. W. Africa 56 K 14
Golagh, Lake, Ireland J6 E 2
polaghai, India 43 B 1
Golaiapriet, Russia .... "' 34 r
Golansville, Va., U. S 76 H
Golant, England 43 45
Golarla, Somaliland '. 55 g
Golaya, Mount, Siberia 44 o
Golbazar, Turkey in Asia 33 D
Goiborne, England ... 7 c
Golbyn Gobi (desert), Cen"
tral Asia 44 21
Golear, England 7 F
Golchikha, Siberia 37 £
Golconda, 111., TJ. S '.' 94 j
Golconda, India 42 g
Golconda, Ind. Ty., U. S. ."i" 106 L
Golconda, Nev., il. S. . 143 k
Gold, Pa., u. s 74 g
Gold Coast (territory), W.
„ Africa 54 F
Gold (Coast), W. Africa 54 F
Gold Creek, Mont., U. S 107 D
Gold Fork of Payette (River),
Idaho, U. S 403 D
Gold Hill, England 10 A
Gold Hill, or Goldhill, N. C
TJ. S ^ 78 j
Gold Hill, Oreg., U. S 112 B
Gold (Hill), Wash., U. S Ill F
Gold (Island), Philippine Is¬
lands 47 F 8
Gold (Lake), Saskatchewan,
Canada 60 L 3
Gold (Mountain), Alaska 116 M 4
Gold (Mountain), Nev., U. S. 113 E 5
Gold Point, or Goldpoint,
N. C., U. S 78 P 3
Gold or Columbia Range
(mts.), Br. Columbia 60 G 4
Gold (River), Athabasca,
Canada 60 L 3
Gold River, Nova Scotia 63 E 5
Gold (River), or Rio Oro, Sir.
Sahara 54 C 5
Goldach, Switzerland 27 L 2
Goldajo, Germany 24 D 35
Goldap, Germany (on travel
map) 3 Q 1
Goldap (river), Germany 24 D 34
_ _ , Switzerland 27 H 3
Further geographical information will be found by referring to the General Index, Vol. 35.
163 4j 2

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