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Central Genus LXXXIII. Scrophula. Swelling of the
Arr, n^e- conglobate glands, efpeeially in the neck ; fwelling
DiV^lVs the upper lip and of the nofe •, the face tlorid, ikin
_ / thin, abdomen fwelled. The fpeeies are,
1. Scrophula (vulgaris), Ample, external and per¬
2. Scrophula (mefenteric a), Ample, internal, with
palenefs of the face, want of appetite, fwelling of the
abdomen, and unufual fetor of the excrements.
3. Scrophula (fugax), molt Ample, appearing only
about the neck \ for the moft part proceeding from the
reforption of the matter of ulcers in the head.
4. Scrophula (Americana), joined, with the yaws.
Genus LXXXIV. Syphilis. A contagious difeafe ;
ulcers of the tonAls, after impure venery, and a diforder
of the genitals j cluAered pimples of the Ikin, efpeci-
ally about the margin of the hair, ending in crufts and
crufty ulcers ; pains of the bones $ exoftofes.
Genus LXXXV. Scorbutus *, in cold countries,
attacking after putrefeent diet, efpecially fuch as is
fait and of the animal kind, where no fupply of frefh
vegetables is to be had j afthenia j ftomacace } fpots
of different colours on the fkin, for the moft part li¬
vid, and appearing chiefly among the roots of the
Varying in degree.
a, Scorbutus incipiens.
b, Scorbutus crefeens.
c, Scorbutus inveteratus.
Varying alfo in fymptoms.
d, Scorbutus- lividus.
e, Scorbutus pettchialis.
f, Scorbutus pallidus.
g, Scorbutus ruber.
b. Scorbutus calidus.
Genus LXXXVI. ElephantiaAs j a contagious dif¬
eafe ; thick, wrinkled, rough, unftuous Ikin, deftitute
of hairs, anaeftheAa in the extremities, the face deform¬
ed with pimples, the voice hoarfe and nafal.
Genus LXXXVII. Lepra ; the fkin rough, with
white, branny, and chopped efehars, fometimes moift
beneath, with itching.
Genus LXXXVIII. FrambceAa ; fwellings refemb-
ling fungi, or the fruit of the mulberry or rafpberry,
growing on various parts of the fkin.
Genus LXXXIX. Trichoma j a contagious difeafe j
the hairs thicker than ufual, and twifted into inextri¬
cable knots and cords.
Genus XC. Idferus; yellownefs of the fkin and
eyes \ white faeces ; urine of a dark red, tinging what
is put into it of a yellow colour.
The idiopathic fpecies are,
1. I&erus (calculofus), with acute pain in the epi-
gaftric region, increaAng after meals j biliary concre¬
tions voided by ftool.
2. Icterus (fpafmodicus), without pain, after fpafmo-
dic difeafes and paflions, of the mind. -
3. Icterus (hepaticus), without pain, after difeafes of
the liver.
4. Icterus (gravidarum), ariftng during the time of
pregnancy, and going off after delivery.
5. Icterus (infantum), coming on in infants a few
days after birth.
Class IV. LOCALES. An affection offome part,
but not of the whole body.
Order I. Dysesthesia. The fenfes depraved or de-
flroyed, from a difeafe of the external organs.
Genus XCI. Caligo. The Aght impaired or totally
deftroyed, on account of fome opaque fubftance inter-
pofed between the objects and the retina, inherent in the
eye itfelf or the eyelids. The fpecies are,
1. Caligo (/entis), occaAoned by an opaque fpot be¬
hind the pupil.
2. Caligo (cornea:), from an opacity of the cornea.
3. Caligo (pupilla), from an obftrudtion of the nu-
Varying according to the different caufes from which
it proceeds.
4. Caligo (humorum), from a difeafe or defect of the
aqueous humour.
Varying according to the different ftate of the hu¬
5. Caligo (palpebrarum), from a difeafe inherent in
the eyelids.
Varying according to the nature of the difeafe in the
Genus XCII. AmauroAs. The Aght diminifhed,
or totally abolifhed, without any evident difeafe of the
eye ; the pupil for the moft part remaining dilated and
immoveable. The fpecies are,
1. AmauroAs (comprejjionis), after the caufes and at¬
tended with the fymptoms of congeftion in the brain.
Varying according to the nature of the remote
2. AmauroAs (atonica), after the caufes "and accom¬
panied with fymptoms of debility.
3. AmauroAs (fpafmodica), ater the caufes and with
the Agns of fpafm.
4. AmauroAs (venenata), from poifon taken into the
body or applied outwardly to it.
Genus XCI 11. Dyfopia. A depravation of the
Aght, fo that obje&s cannot be diftindtly perceived, ex¬
cept at a certain diftance, and in a certain Atuation.
The fpecies are,
1. Dyfopia (tenebrarum), in which objedls are not
feen unlefs they be placed in a ftrong light.
2. Dyfopia (luminis,) in which objects are not di-
ftimftly feen unlefs by a weak light.
3. Dyfopia (diffitorum), in ivhich diftant objedls are
not perceived.
4. Dyfopia (proximorurn), in which the neareft ob-
jects are not perceived.
5. Dyfopia (lateralis), in which objects are not per¬
ceived unlefs placed in an oblique pofture.
Genus XCIV. PfeudoblepAs; ivhen the Aght is dif.
eafed in fuch a manner that the perfon imagines he
fees things which really do not exift, or fees things
which do exift after fome other manner than they really
are. The fpecies are,
1. PfeudoblepAs (imaginaria), in which the perfon
imagines he fees things which really do not exift.
Varying according to the nature of the imagina¬
2. PfeudoblepAs (mutans), in which objetls really
exifting appear fomehow changed.
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