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emaciation of the whole
Leannefs, afthenia, heftic
ment of Class III. CACHEXIiE ; a depraved habit of
Difcafes. ^ie ^'’hole or greateil part of the body, without prima-
——y——' ry pyrexia or neurofis.
Order I. Marcores j
Genus LXVIII. Tabes,
fever. The fpecies are,
1. Tabes (purulenta'), from an external or internal
ulcer, or from a vomica.
Varying in its fituation : hence,
2. Tabes (fcrophulofaj, in fcrophulous conftitu-
3. Tabes (venenata), from poifon taken inwardly.
Genus LXIX. Atrophia. Leannefs and afthenia.
without hectic fever. The fpecies are,
1. Atrophia (inaniiorum), from too great evacua¬
2. Atrophia (famclicorum), from a want of nou-
3. Atrophia (cacochymica), from corrupted nourifti-
4. Atrophia (debilium), from the function of nutri¬
tion being depraved, without any extraordinary evacua¬
tion or cacochymia having preceded.
Order II. Intumescentl®. An external fwelling
„ of the whole or greateft part of the body.
Sect. I. Adipofce,
Genus LXX. Polyfarcia j a trcublefome fwelling
of the body from fat.
Se<ft. II. Flatuofce.
Genus LXXI. Pneumatofis ; a tenfe elaftic fwel-
Hng of the body, crackling under the hand. The fpe¬
cies are,
1. Pneumatofis (fpontanea), without any manifell
2. Pneumatofis (traumatica), from a wound in the
3. Pneumatofis (veneneta ), from poifon iniedled or
4. Pneumatofis (hyjlerica), with hyfteria.
Genus LXXII. Tympanites j a tenfe, elaftic, fo-
norous fwelling of the abdomen ; coftivenefs ; a decay
of the other parts. The fpecies are,
1. Tympanites (intcjlinalis), with a tumor of the
abdomen frequently unequal, and with a frequent eva¬
cuation of air relieving the tenfion and pain.
2. Tympanites (abdominalis), with a more evident
noiie, a more equable tumor, and a lefs frequent emif-
fion of flatus, which alfo gives lefs relhJ.
Genus LXXIII. Phyfometra ; a flight elaftic fwel¬
ling in the epigaftrium, having the figure and fituation
of the uterus.
Se£l. III. Aquofce or Drop/tes.
Genua LXX IV. Anafarca. A foft, inelaftic fwel¬
ling of the whole body, or fome part of it. The fpe-
cics are, t r
I* Anafarca (ferofa), from a retention of ferum on
account of the fuppreflion of the ufual evacuations, or
from an increafe of the ferum on account of too great a
quantity of water taken inwardly.
2. Anafarca (oppiiata), from a compreflion of the
n;ent of
N E- Practice
3. Anafarca (exanthematicu), arifing after exanthe- General
mata, efpecially fucceeding eiylipelas.
4. Anafarca (aneemia), from the thinnefs of the
blood produced by haemorrhagy.
5. Anafarca (debilium), in weak people after long
difeafes, or from other caufes.
Genus LXXV. Hydrocephalus. A foft inelaftic
fwelling of the head, with the futures of the cranium
Genus LXXVI. Hydrorachitis. A foft, flender
tumor above the vertebrae of the loins 5 the vertebrae
gaping from each other.
Genus LXXVII. Hydrothorax. Dyfpnoea j pale-
nefs of the face 5 cedematous fwellings of the feet;
fcanty urine j difficult lying in a recumbent pofture 5 a
fudden and fpontaneous ftarting out of fleep, with pal¬
pitation ; water flu&uating in the breaft.
Genus LXXVIII. Afcites. A tenfe, fearce elaflic,
but fluctuating fwelling of the abdomen. The fpecies are,
1. Afcites (abdotninaHs), with an equal fwelling of
the whole abdomen, and with a fluctuation fufficiently
Varying according to the caufe.
A, From an obftruCtion of the vifeera.
B, From debility.
C, From a thinnefs of the blood.
2. Afcites (faccatus), with a fwelling of the abdo¬
men, in the beginning at lean, partial, and with a lefs
evident fluctuation.
Genus LXXIX. Hydrometra. A fwelling of the
hypogaftrium in women, gradually increafing, keeping
the ffiape of the uterus, yielding to preflure, and fluc¬
tuating 5 without ifehuria or pregnancy.
Genus LXXX. Hydrocele. A fwelling of the fero-
turn, not painful; increafing by degrees, foft, fluctu¬
ating, and pellucid.
Seft. IV. Solid*.
Genus LX XXL Phyfconia. A fwelling chiefly
occupying a certain part of the abdomen, gradually
increafing, and neither fonorous nor fluauating. The
fpecies are,
Phyfconia hepatica.
Phyfconia fplenica.
Phyfconia renalis.
Phylconia uterina.
Phyfconia ab ovario.
Phyfconia mefenterica.
Phyfconia inteftinalis.
Phyfconia omentalis.
Phyfconia polyfplachna.
Phyfconia vifceralis. •'
Phyfconia externa lupialis.
Phyfconia externa fchirrhodea.
Phyfconia externa hydatidofa.
Phyfconia ab adipe fubcutaneo.
Phyfconia ab excrefcentia.
Genus LXXXII. Rachitis. A large head, fwel¬
ling molt in the fore part, the ribs deprefled ; abdomen
fwelled, with a decay of the other parts.
1. Simple, without any other difeafe.
2. Joined with other difeafes.
Order III. Impetigines. Cachexies chiefly deformp
ing the ikin and external parts of the body.

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