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the car-borne chief of Etha ? Haft thou be-
held the halls of Ufnoth ? or the dark-brown
hills of Fingal ? My battle would have roared
on Morven, had not the winds met Dar-
thula. Fingal himfelf would have been low,
and forrow dwelling in Selma !" Her fhield
fell from Dar-thula's arm. Her bread of fnow
appeared. It appeared ; but it was ftained
with blood. An arrow was fixed in her fide.
She fell on the fallen Nathos, like a wreath of
fnow ! Her hair fpreads wide on his face
Their blood is mixing round 1
" Daughter of Colla! thou art low !" faid
Cairbar's hundred bards. " Silence is at the
blue ftreams of Selama. Truthil's* race have
failed. When wilt thou rife in thy beauty,
firfl of Erin's maids ? Thy fleep is long in the
tomb. The morning diftant far. The fun
fhall not come to thy bed and fay, " Awake,
Dar-thula ! awake, thou firft of women ! the
wind of fpring is abroad. The flowers make
their heads en the green hills. The woods
wave their growing leaves. Retire, O fun !
the daughter of Colla is afleep. She will not
come forth in her beauty. She will not move
in the fteps of her lovelinefs!"
Such was the fong of the bards, when they
railed the tomb. I fung over the grave, when
the king of Morven came ; when he came to
green Erin to fight with car-borne Cairbar !
* Truthil was the founder of Dar-thula's family.

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