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A P O E M. • 307
speeds ; but his fword has not been lifted
againft a foe, neither has his fame begun.
I come with him to war ; to direct his arm in
light. His renown will be a light to my foul,
in the dark hour of my departure. O that
the name of Morni were forgot among the
people ! that the heroes would only fay, " Be-
hold the father of Gaul !"
" King of Strumon," Fingal replied, " Gaul
fhall lift the fword in fight. But he mall lift
it before Fingal ; my arm fhall defend his
youth. But reft thou in the halls of Selma; and
hear of our renown. Bid the harp to be ftrung,
and the voice of the bard to arife, that thofe
who fall may rejoice in their fame ; and the foul
of Morni brighten with joy. Oflian ! thou haft
fought in battles ■: the blood of ftrangers is on
thy (pear : thy courle be with Gaul, in the
ftrife ; but depart not from the fide of Fingal !
left the foe mould find you alone, and your
fame fail in my prefence.
" I faw * Gaul in his arms ; my foul was
mixed with his. The fire of the battle was in
his eyes ! he looked to the foe with joy. We
fpoke the words of friendfhip in fecfet ; the
lightning of our fwords poured together ; foe
we drew them behind the wood, and tried the
ftfength of our arms on the empty air*"
* Oflian (peaks. The contraft between the old anc*
young heroes is itrongly marked. The circumftance of
the latter's drawing their fwords is well imagined, and
agrees with the impatience of young ibldiers juit enured
upon action.
X 3 Night

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