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P O E M.
thon ! Night * came on with her clouds, after
the departure of Lathmon, when he went to
the wars of his fathers, to the mofs- covered
rock of Duthormoth. Night came en. I fat
in the hall, at the beam of the oak ! The wind
was abroad in the trees. I heard the found of
arms. Joy rofe in my face. I thought of
thy return. It was the chief of Cuthal, the
red-haired ftrength of Dunrommath. His
eyes rolled in fire : the blood of my people
was on his fword. They who defended Oi-
thona fell by the gloomy chief ! What could
I do ? My arm was weak. I could not lift the
fpear. He took me in my grief, amidft my
tears he raifed the fail. He feared the re-
turning Lathmon, the brother of unhappy
Oithona ! But behold he comes with his peo-
ple ! the dark wave is divided before him ?
Whither wilt thou turn thy fteps, fon of
Morni? Many are the warriors of thy foe !"
" My fteps never turned from battle," Gaul
faid, and unfheathed his fword. " Shall I then
begin to fear, Oithona ! when thy foes are
near ? Go to thy cave, my love, till our battle
ceafe on the field. Son of Leth, bring the
bows of our fathers ! the founding quiver of
Morni ! Let our three warriors bend the yew,
Ourfelves will lift the fpear. They are an holt
on the rock ! our fouls are ftrong in war 8"
Oithona went to the cave. A troubled jov
rofe on her mind, like the red path of light-
* Oithona relates how (he was carried away by Dun-

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