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oxE day's .tuurney to the UIGHLAXDS. 81')
haJ, in the west end of Wester Glenalmond, where sixty men
took the sacrament, and went with their leader to the battle
of Luncarty, of whom only three returned.
At Easter-Shian, in Glenquaich, there is a Popish chapel
of some antiquity, and not far from which, on a fine plain,
is Ach-na-rloich, ?'. e., Stonyhaugh, where there is a well,
called St. Coittag's Well, which was held in great veneration ;
for, long since, a great concourse of people, both from Eng-
land and Ireland, are said to have assembled, and made use
of this water, in order to be cured of their various diseases.
But it appears that the virtue of this water is now princi-
pally confined to one disease, namely, the bloody-flux ; at
this well there was a small chapel and ceihetery; There is
another well, not far from thence, called the Well of Coreach
to which some virtues are likewise ascribed.
Having satisfied ourselves with these objects, we returned
to Amalree ; this place is v.ell situated for game and fishing,
and afi'ords agreeable sport in the proper season. The
scenes which alternately present themselves to view, are of
tlie most romantic and agreeable nature ; those confined to
large cities will find here a pleasant variety. This country
is abundantly supplied with hares, foxes, partridges, wild-
ducks, moor-fowl, and woodcocks. Loch Freuchie abounds
with fine trout, pikes, and perches, which are caught both
Avith rod and net ; the waters of Bran and Almond, are
also plentifully supplied with fresh water trouts, and per-
ches. There is a moss betwixt Dalreoch and Amalree, where
are a great many otters, but vastly difiicult to catch, because
the moss abounds with small rivulets, which run for the
most part below the surface in a thousand labyrinths, so
that it is impossible to hunt them out of their subterranean
abodes, unless by chance they venture too far from the

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