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II An cliaidh na Searmona tigeadh an Minifdir anuas
afan mbuilp'id, agas fuidheadhfe fan Mbord maille
re gach fear, agas re gach mnaoi da mbia and, agab-
hail anionaidh vmchubhaidh fe'in, agas gabhadh fe
an taran, agas tabhradh buidheachas do Dhia leis
na briathruibhfe fios no le briathruibh oile fa suim
AATHAIR na trocaire, agas a
Dhe na nuile tfubhaltaighe, agas
na nuile tfubhachas, otaid na huile
chreatuire gutaithne, agas gotadmhail
mar vachtaran, agas mar Thighearna,
is coir dhuinne ofsind oibrighthe do
lamh, vmhla, agas onoir do thabhairt
do tainm Diadhafa gach vair, ar tiis ar
fon gur chruthaigh tii find, do reir tfi-
odhrach, agas do chofamhlachta fe'in.
Agas go hairidhe ar fon gur tfaor tii
find on mbas tfuthain, & on damnadh
anma, inar tharraing an Taibhirfeoir an
cineadh daonna, le peacadh daor do-
leighis, onar bfeidir le' duine, no le' ha-
ingeal, finde do tfaoradh, acht tufa a
Thighearna tfaidhbhir ad throcaire,
agas gan crioch ar do mhaitheas, do
The Exliortation ended, the Minister commeth doune from the pulpet, and
sitteth at the Table, every man and woman in likewise takinge their
place as occasion best serveth : then he takelh bread, and geveth thankes
either in these woordes followinge, or like in eifect : '
O Father of mercye, and God of all consolation, seinge all
creatures do knowlege and confesse thee as Gouvemer and Lorde, it
becommeth us, the workemanship of thyne own handes, at all tymes
to reverence and magnifie thy Godly Majestic : first, for that thou
haste created us to thyne own image and similitude ; but chieflye
that thou haste delivered us from that everlasting death and damna-
tion, into the which Satan drewe mankinde by the meane of synne,
from the bondage wherof, neither man nor angell was able to make
us free ; but thou, O Lord, riche in mercie and infinite in goodnes,

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