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Ofli.'in'sfongfliall never be forgot,whilethe oaks
of Albin bidze l)efore the tenants of her glens.
Thy head, (<ruimore, contends not with
little hills Lnfty mountains rife by thy fide;
but they fi' k htfore thee. The hunter on the
top points to ihc rt( rmy dwelling of the king
of the ocean *, whoft wing of ftrength fought
the battles of Albin, when her fors were weak.
The cl'iudi> of heaven falute thee as they pafs;
The dreams of ihy fons are many in the feafon
of deep. The mufic of thy woods proclaims
the welcome of the rifmg fun, ere he leaves
his watery bed Jn the eaftern ocean. The ftag
ftarts at the fpund; and his mate is abfent.
He pants for the fafety of her he beholds not.
Stare not fo wildly, fon of the branchy fore-
head. The partner of thyjoy crops the flowery
food In yon hollow glen, along the border of
the filver ftream: The wanton fleps of her
lovely lawn are round her.
Ye hills of the heathy locks, on whofe flop-
ping fides I have pafled the days of my youth,
when my fteps were fwlft in the chace : Let
* The whale po-tically called {o. — This refers to an
epifode in a grcai work, wo([ of which is in the Tranfla-
tor's bands, but is excluded from the prcfcnt volume, on
account of its length.

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