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I. Cac 3bAbttA ; or, the Prose and Poetical Account of the Battle of
Gabhra (Garristown), in tlie county of Dublin, fought A.D., 283, be-
tween Cairbrc Liffeachair, king of Leinster, ami the Fenian forces of
Ireland, in which the latter were conquered, and their ranks finally
broken up. Edited by Nicholas O'Keabney, (Out of print.)*
II. Feir Ci5e C\)or)'A]y) Cbli)') Sf)ló|be ; or, The Festivities at the House
of Conan of Ceann Sleibhe, a romantic hill which is situated on tlie
borders of the Lake of Inchiquin, in the county of Clare. Edited by
N. O'Keakney, (Out of print.)
This document contains a colloquy between Fionn and Conan, in which much liglit is
tlirown on tlie Ancient Topography of Munster ; and also on the llabits and Customs of
the Fenian Chieftains. ,
III. cónuiseAcc tohiAn")»"-^ i-'i^bwibt)e A5ur Sbrii^iptje, it)5íoo cbon-
njuiciijeic !iliT*c ; or, an Account of the Pursuit of Diarmuid (J'Duibhne
and Grace, the daugliter of Corniac Mac Airt, Jlonarch of Ireland in the
Third Century, who was married to Fionn Mac Cunihaill, from whom
she eloped with Diarmuid. To them are ascribed the Leaba Caillighes
(Hags' Beds), so numerous in Ireland. Edited by Standish Hayes
O'Grady, President of the Society.
IV. lAO]cl)e í=iAtji)ui5beAcl)c<\ ; or, Fenian Poems, Edited by John
O'Daly, Honorary Secretary.
I. InjceAcc t)A rnon)6&|ti)e ; or the Departure of the Great Bardic
Assembly, being the Introduction to the Tain Bo Chuailgne. Edited
by Professor Connellan, from the book of 2t)AC Ci\ticAi5 RiaBac : a vel-
lum MS. of the XIV. Century. In Press.
II. Cix]!) 1)0 CbiiAilo')« ; or, the Great Cattle Spoil of Cuailgne
(CooleyX in the county of Louth, being a History of the Seven Years'
War between Ulster and Connaugh"t; in the reign of Meadhbh, Queen
of Connaught, and Conchobhar Mac Ncssa, king of Ulster, on account
of the famous bull called Bonn Cliuailgnc ; and whicii terminated, ac-
cording to llodcric O'Flalierty, tlie Irish chronologist, one year before
the Christian era. To be edited by William Hackett.
This very ancient and curious tract comprises three hundred closely-written folios, and
contains many interesting details of Mythological Incidents, Pillar Stones, Ogham lu-
criptions, Tulachs, War Cliariots, Lcanan Siglics, Mice and Cat Incantations. Together
with an account of the Mysterious War Weapon used by CucliuUainn, called Gai Bolg ;
also Some Account of the early Christian Missionaries in Ireland, and the privileges
enjoyed by the chief bard.
III. ^l5AUAttj TjA SeAi)ó|rii6c ; or, the Dialogue of the Sages : an His-
torical Work in Prose and Poetry, full of rare information on tlie
achievements of tlie Fianna Eirionn ; collated with a copy in the Took
of Lismore, a vellum manuscript of the Fourteenth Century, by per-
mission of ids Grace the Duke of Devonshire. To be edited by John
IV. Cac pl)]')!) Cn;v5A ; or, an Account of the Battle fought at Ventry,
in tlie county of Kerry, in the Third Century of the Cliristian era, be-
tween Daire Donn, Monarch of tlie World, and the Fenians. To be
edited by the Kev. Jamks Goodman, A.B.
This Batlli^ lusted fur ?,Ct\ days; the copy at the disposal of the Society is the earlirst
known to exist, having been copied from a vellum manuscript of the iifteenth cent my,
now deposited in tlie Uoillclan Liliiary, Oxford, by the Hcv. E, D.^Cleaver.
• New Kditions of Vols.. I. anil II., now onto/ print, will be jnihlislicd
as soon as tlia Council receives 250 names to in bearimj lite co.'it of

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