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I. Cac 5l)AbTt<\ ; or, the Prose and Poetical Account of the Battle of
Uabhra (Garristow-n), in the county of Dublin, fought A.D., 283, between
Cairbre Liffeachair, king of Leinster, and the Fenian Forces of Ireland, in
which the latter were conquered, and their ranks finally broken up. Edited
by Nicholas O'Keakney. (Out of print.)*
II. Feir Cise Cl)Oi)ixii) CbliJi) Shlel^e ; or, The Festivities at the House of
Conan of Ceann Sleibhe, a romantic hill which is situated on the borders of
the Lake of Inchiquin, in the county of Clare. Edited by N. O'Kearney.
(Out of print.)
This document contains a colloquy between Fionn and Conan, in which much light is
thrown on the Ancient Topogi-aphy of Munster ; and also on the Habits and Customs of
the Fenian Chieftains.
III. Cóttui5eAcc t5l)lATXTt)U&A Ui tibiMbije a^ux Bbnivil'^e ]i)^ioi} Cljon-
njujc tijeic 2lntc ; or, An Account of the Pursuit of Diarmuid O'Duibhne and
Grace, the daughter of Cormac Mac Airt, Monarch of Ireland in the Third
Century, who was married to Fionn Mac Cumhaill, from whom she eloped
with Diarmuid. To them are ascribed the Leaba Caillighes (Hags' Beds), so
numerous in Ireland. Edited by Stanuish Hayes 0'Giíady.
IV lAOirbe TF]Ar)t)a]^\)eAc})ZA ; or, Fenian Poems. Edited by John
O'Daly, Honoeaky Secketary.
V. 1ti)cbeAcbc t)A Cttort)&bivin)be ; or. The Proceedings of the Great Bardic
Institution. Edited by Professor, Queen's College, Cork, from
the Book of Lismore, a manuscript of the XIV. Century .
I. Cixii) bo CbuAil5t)e; or, the Great Cattle Spoil of Cuailgne (Cooley)
in the county of Loutli, being a History of the Seven Year's War between
Ulster and Connaught ; in the reign of Meadhbh, l^ueen of Connaught, and
Conchobhar Mac Nessa, king of Ulster, on account of the famous bull called
Donn Chuailyne ,• and which terminated, according to Koderic O'Flaherty, the
Irish chronologist, one year before the Christian era. To be edited by William
This very ancient and curious tract comprises three hundred closely-^vi-itten folios, and
contains many interesting details of Mythological Incidents, Pillar Stones, Ogham In-
criptions, Tulachs, War Chariots, Leanan Sighes, Jlice and Cat Incantations. Together
with an account of the Mysterious War Weapon used by Cuehullainn, called Gai linlg ,-
also Some Account of the early Christian Missionaries in Ireland, and the privileges
enjoyed by the chief bard.
II. 215aIUtÍj I)A SeAi)ó)ttlóe ; or. The Dialogue of the Sages : an Historical
Work in Prose and Poetry, full of rare information on the achievements of
the Fianna Eirionn ; copied from the Book of Lismore, a vellum manuscript of
the Fourteenth Century, by permission of his Grace the Duke of Devonshire.
To be edited by John Windei.h.
* New Eilitions of V<il.<. J. and 11., now out of print, vill he pnlili.-'/ied as soon
as the Council receircs 250 namcK to assist in btarinf/ the cost of printintj.

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