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§ T E M O R A:
they meet the rocks without fear, and overturn the woods. — But
let us move in our ftrength, flow as a gathered cloud. Then
fliall the mighty tremble ; the fpear {hall fall from the hand of the
valiant. — We fee the cloud of death, they will fay, while fliadows
fly over their face. Fingal will mourn in his age, and fee his fly-
ing fame. — The Heps of his chiefs will ceafe in Morven : the mofs
of 5'ears fhall grow in Selma.
Cairbar heard their words, in filence, like the cloud of a
fliower : it itands dark on Cromla, till tlie lightning burflis its fide :
the valley gleams with red light ; the fpirits of the ll:orm rejoice.
So flood the fileat king of Temora i at length his words are
Spread the feaft on Moi-lena : let my hundred bards attend.
Thou, red-hair'd 011a, take the harp of the king. Go to Ofcar
chief of fwords, and bid him to our feafl. To-day we feaft and
hear the fong ; to-morrow break the fpears. Tell him that I have
raifed the tomb of Cathol * ; that bards have fung to his ghoft
Tell him that Cairbar has heard his fame at the flream of refoundinir
Carun -j-. Cathmor :}: is not here, Borbar-duthul s generous race.
* Cathol the fon of jMaronnan, orMoran, and had beforrhand contrived to kill him at
was murdered by Cairbar, for his attachment the feaft, to which he heie invites him.
to the family of Cormac. He had attended f He alludes to the battle of Ofcar againfl
Okzr to thewar ef Inis-thc/ta, where they Caros, king of Jh'ps ; who is fuppofed to be
coiitraiSled a great friendfhip f r one an- the fame with Caraufius the ufurper.
other. Ofcar, immediately after the death -f Cathmor, great in batik, the fon of
of Cathol, had fent a formal ch:illenge to Borbar duthul, and brother of Cairbar king
Cairbar, which he pr'idently declined, but of Ireland, had, before the infurrcftion of
conceived a fecret hatred aj^ainft Ofcar, the Firbolg, paffed over into Inis-huna,

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