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( 113 j
way, however, this opmion may be now
eflimated, we may be permitted to fuggeft,
that it is by no means improbable, that
in the flight fketch which is now offered
of a Mythology which is daily lofing
ground, the principal features of ^the po-
lity and dodtrines of this ancient and
powerRil, though, in many refpeds, hor-
rible hierarchy, fliall one day be clearly
Even in the little legend above I'e--
cited, degraded as it is by its extrava-
gance, may we not recognize fom€ traits
of the Druidical inftitutions, which
they fo fludioufly concealed ? May we
not trace in it, fomething of the mode
by which the Druids procured the ne-
celTary fupply of members for their or-
der ? May we not trace in it, the period
of the noviciate of the difciples, which,
when it had elapfed, fixed their condi-
tion irrevocably ; as well as the general
reludance which mufl have been felt ry
young perfons, of either fex, to fecli de
themfelves for ever from the gaieties of
K 3 the

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