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( iOl )
forth, to minifter to his avarice or re-
venge ; nor do they any longer depend
on his bounty for their fubfiflence. The
jurifdidion of the Chief over his Clan,
is now • fuperfeded by the wholefome re-
gulations of a more general police. E-
very individual now feels himfelf to {land
alone, and is obliged, by honed induflry,
and fubordination" tO' the laws, to pro-
vide for his family, and to feek the pro-
tection of a regular government.
In confequence of thefe lav\^s by which
the Highlanders have been fubjeded to
the fame forms of police with the reft of
the inhabitants of the liland, a change
of manners has taken place amongfl
them, fo rapid, and fo conliderable, as to
be almoft beyond the belief of thofe who
have not had an opportunity of ren^ark-
ing the contraft. The inhabitants of
this country are a peaceable and honeft
race of men ; and are generally capable
of a conliderable degree of induflry, ef-
pecially when they remove, as they are
fi'equently obliged to do, by the enlarge-
I 3 ment

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